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Author Topic: So we finally got our new synthetics in....  (Read 975 times)


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So we finally got our new synthetics in....
« on: November 13, 2008, 12:18:45 PM »

We were the only wood lane center in the city, 6 others had synthetics.  Our center has been open since the 1970's, so needless to say after years of abuse and resurfacing, it was finally time to let them go.  

Anyways, the lanes themselves are very nice.  Brand new brunswick pro-avaline (sp.?) synthetic lanes.  That's not the problem.

Our shot before was already very easy, probably the easiest in the whole city.  And with the new lanes in, its even easier.  I mean wheel right and strike, repeat process.

I practiced 2 games before league tonight, shot 130 over with out practice.  Then league rolls around, 827 w/ 300 game.  So after 5 games, avg over 270.  High scores out the ying/yang for the league too.  Personally, I think its the easiest shot I've ever bowled on in my entire life.  Anyone with a clue could avg 210+ probably 220

So I asked the manager and the lane mechanic if they would make the shot a little tougher and I got bashed for it, saying they want the scores high, it will bring in buisness, blah blah blah.  I told them I would also not be bowling next year and that this is whats wrong with bowling today, and stormed off.



Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones and Kenny Simard are Gamecock fans...are you???

We shall now refer a 4-bagger as a hambone...Mark it down the revolution has started!

Edited on 11/13/2008 9:21 PM
Philipp Hudak
Ebonite Amateur Staff
Bowl To Win!



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Re: So we finally got our new synthetics in....
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2008, 09:24:28 PM »
i absolutely agree with you. I hate easy league conditions.


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Re: So we finally got our new synthetics in....
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2008, 09:50:03 PM »
just bowl hella alot of 800s and be happy

David Lee Yskes

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Re: So we finally got our new synthetics in....
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2008, 10:35:30 PM »

hey, I know what you mean.  I think it's stupid how some places the scores are threw the roof.  And your not doing anything different.  

Personally, more power to ya, if you goto a new house and bowl league, no point in averaging 230+  if it kills you when you goto bowl city or state, your just going to fall short and be mad.  

If you have a PBAX League in the area, try that out..  

I have a old bowling buddy i talk to on here and he has the same thing in my own town, everyone went to the revamped bowling alley that was bought a few yrs ago and completely re-done, well he said the shot is so easy its stupid...

Well the other house lost alot of business cuz the old owner sold the place and new owner's ran it into the ground.   Well place #2, decides it wants the bowlers back and puts out some easy shot, and he tells me over the summer he averaged 242!!!!!   he also tells me Place #1, has a similar easy shot,  not as easy, but similar.    He said, it's fun to average that high for a bit, but after a while it gets old.  

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "