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Author Topic: Bruce Hamilton  (Read 1582 times)

Saw Mill

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Bruce Hamilton
« on: May 29, 2003, 01:00:39 AM »
I would like to say thank you for revealing yourself to us faithful users.  I hope you plan on updating you profile to include the particulars (i.e. revs, balls used, etc...) but first things first.  Welcome to the site, even if it is yours.  I am not going to say that you are better than Scott, but I will give you the benifit of the doubt that the changes you will make will be for everyone's benefit (starting with the White background PLEEEAAAASE!!)  I am staying with the site for the info and the family of users that I have come to know; this site is still very informative no matter who owns it.  I am also sticking with Scott's new site (Virtual because Scott has done alot for me, and I do not see myself abandoning him (and I know that you would never expect that of me).  All-in-all, I just wanted to thank you for telling us who you were and hopefully more questions will be answered in the days and weeks to come.  What happened to Bowling This Month Magazine as a sponsor?  

If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!



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Re: Bruce Hamilton
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2003, 06:12:10 PM »
Just a thought Dave, but the background seems to be gray on my laptop and I checked the regular desktop also.  Seems to be gray too.  I don't think it is too hard on the eyes anymore.  Welcome to Bruce.  Things seem to be going in a good direction.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.


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Re: Bruce Hamilton
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2003, 07:51:11 PM »
Welcome back Bruce. Welcome back. It's sad that we saw Scott leave, but again, when you had the site, things were going well, too. Thanks for keeping this site alive.
-Jeremy Vitug Burning Sensations Bowling Team