My son is now 22yrs old. When he was about 10yrs old, we went bowling. He wanted to use my bowling balls, which were a bit too heavy for him, so he was using both hands.
We soon got him a lighter ball, drilled to fit him, but he continued to use the two handed style, saying it just "felt right" to him. At the age of 14, he was able to develop more revs than any of his competition, and was as accurate as anyone else around. Problem was, he got tired of constantly being made fun of, or accused of cheating, for using the two handed style. Sadly, this made him start to hate bowling, and he soon dropped out about 7 years ago.
Now, he finds it hilariously funny, albeit sadly ironic, that some two handers are being hailed as the next great innovation in the sport of bowling. Sadly, when he tries to tell people he did this 10 years ago, nobody believes him, and now when he goes bowling, people tell him he's just copying them because their famous. Seems my son just can't win for the idiots out there that just don't get it.
I do not use two hands, nor do I see myself ever trying to, but it is a valid way to deliver the ball, and should be considered as "normal" a release as any other.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein