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Author Topic: Two Handed Bowlers  (Read 17860 times)


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Two Handed Bowlers
« on: January 13, 2011, 07:20:39 AM »
What are your thoughts on two handed bowlers such as, Jason Belmonte? I personally don't like them at all, I think it should be illegal in any kind of sanctioned play. 



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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2011, 04:55:20 PM »
My son is now 22yrs old. When he was about 10yrs old, we went bowling. He wanted to use my bowling balls, which were a bit too heavy for him, so he was using both hands.


 We soon got him a lighter ball, drilled to fit him, but he continued to use the two handed style, saying it just "felt right" to him. At the age of 14, he was able to develop more revs than any of his competition, and was as accurate as anyone else around. Problem was, he got tired of constantly being made fun of, or accused of cheating, for using the two handed style. Sadly, this made him start to hate bowling, and he soon dropped out about 7 years ago.


 Now, he finds it hilariously funny, albeit sadly ironic, that some two handers are being hailed as the next great innovation in the sport of bowling. Sadly, when he tries to tell people he did this 10 years ago, nobody believes him, and now when he goes bowling, people tell him he's just copying them because their famous. Seems my son just can't win for the idiots out there that just don't get it.


 I do not use two hands, nor do I see myself ever trying to, but it is a valid way to deliver the ball, and should be considered as "normal" a release as any other.


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2011, 05:37:32 PM »
 Guys like Belmo, or Mike Miller are not your typical type bowlers. Two hands or no thumbers will never go away.
 in fact, these style attracked newcomers to the lanes in way or form.

I find that, bowlers who dislike no thumbers or two hand bowlers seem to be jealous of them, or can't beat them in match play it leagues...

I see kids in youth leagues under 8 use two'll be a said day if you tell a kid she/he can't bowl because they bowl with two hands.

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2011, 05:38:43 PM »
How about you give some evidence to support your claim? Using the logic you gave us, I think people named Kyle should not be allowed to bowl because I don't like Kyles. This all being flippant. 
I understand you don't like them, but what is it that you don't like about them? My only complaint about them is they are lane destroyers. But I hardly see one, so it doesn't matter much to me. Their power is awe-inspiring. And the really good ones seem pretty accurate.  If a player can better themselves further than what they could do one-handed, more power to them. I have toyed around with it, pretty fun way to bowl if you asked me. I just can't get the ball speed those guys get. 
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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2011, 07:09:26 PM »
Some very interesting comments above.


I see two handed bowling as very analgous to the two handed backhand in Tennis.  Immediately when it started many people noted it was more powerful and had more ability to Adjust the shot at the last instant.  So it it is with two handed bowling.  More power and the ability to adjust the shot both roll and direction with the other hand.


While in tennis the lack of reach is a serious issue, in Bowling that is not the case BUT flexibility seems to be. and in a period of time we will wonder why anyone is even bowling 1 handed!  I agree and I see it as a version of no thumbing(more revs) with that helpful extra guide hand!


I've heard that Mo Pinel has commented that two handed bowling is the wave of the future
and some day we will say...".Why is that guy bowling 1 handed?"


As to children being told they can't bowl....funny you say that.  About 12 or 13 years ago my young at the time son wanted to throw my ball(like many kids do).  He was 5 at the time and he straigned and picked it up and threw two handed on the side(like our current two handers).   Before I knew it he was starting to get good and at age 5 threw a game over 140 using either a 8 or 10 pound ball!  I was impressed and encouraged him to continue.   He went in league and started bowling up maybe over 100 average at age 6 and the grumbling started.  Within a week or two his local Yabba coach declared that his bowling was "illegal".  Told him he would have to leave the laegue unless he learned to bowl correctly.  He was very flustered to put in mildly and when I found out and talked to the misguided 150 average coach it was too late.  He came back and was throwing 1 handed about 5 weeks later when he had regained his composure.


About 2 or 3 years ago a friend of his was doing great two handed and I encouraged him to try again.  From near 190 average he is up over 210 and climbing.  Several 750s this year on league shots and many threatens of higher series.  His Dad is usually mincemeat in our Father Son matches and that has it's own enjoyment!  He also has had some nice performances on sport shots in tournaments also.


Funny is his little brother has gone threw the same pattern of trying a heavier ball than he could use with a one handed throw and naturally switched to two handed.  Who knows where he will go!


Two handed bowling I love watching it and wish I could do it well myself!










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It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2012, 01:51:44 PM »
 Juggernot. I also find out funny I started bowling like this in 1989 and I still get people who have bowled on the leauge with me did you learn that style from Jason. I'm like really when I started bowling like this Jason was like 4 and in Austrailia. I still bowl two handed and I am in my mid 40's and I know that probably within the next 15 years I will go back to traditional bowling but I have been bowling two handed for so many years it's the most comfortable way for me to bowl. I just wanted to say I know what he is talking about. Like I said I practically wrote the book on two handed palm bowling and still have people who know me saying trying to be like Jason. I just reply back now by saying ya ok but thinking idiots


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2012, 06:03:32 PM »
If anything can help promote bowling, then 2 hands may be one way (not the only one!).. The PBA certainly aren't concerned with 2 handed bowlers, in fact sure they love it!! If it gets more kids into bowling, then great..


RE advantages, yes power and revs, but if u aren't accurate then it means absolutely nothing.. How many 2 handers do u see around 150-180 ave range in your house.. They are not consistant.. It may be a novelty to many, but others over time will continue throwing 2 hands and get that ave beyond 200...2 handed bowling is still  growing.


It truly is the one big selling point over last 10 yrs for PBA to hang its hat on..


For the people who dislike it, I get it, but like the one handed delivery does takes serious time to get it down..


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2012, 02:05:24 PM »
No matter what era, bowling has been about power at the pins to carry shots that otherwise would not be carried ( of hits).. There is no other way to get that much power at the pins easier than with two hands in general. Two handed bowling will increase in popularity until the next wave of increased power at the pins is found. 


I cant do it.. Ive tried several times. And if I could I would. There was a time I had enough power to exploit the patterns and lived on top of the world (at least in my mind). Now I am no where close. It looks so easy too. Darn it. More power to them.... lol. 

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2012, 02:54:56 PM »
 No problem with two handers or no thumbers. I find that most people that generally hate two handers can't hook the ball and are jelous, even some strokers who are better and more accurate but become obsessed with trying to hook the ball and stray from their own natural game. One thing I do hate, is the hype that surrounds them. One hand, two hands, no hands...I care less how much you hook the ball, lets just bowl.

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2012, 09:35:13 PM »
Agreed.  Can't stand the hype about them.  I see no advantage they have over somebody like Rash, Jones, Couch and all the other power bowlers.  Throw it how you want but quit hyping it as the next great thing and trying to shove it down our throats.

RayRay310 wrote on 1/25/2012 3:54 PM:No problem with two handers or no thumbers. I find that most people that generally hate two handers can't hook the ball and are jelous, even some strokers who are better and more accurate but become obsessed with trying to hook the ball and stray from their own natural game. One thing I do hate, is the hype that surrounds them. One hand, two hands, no hands...I care less how much you hook the ball, lets just bowl.

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2012, 05:36:44 AM »
Really?  Maybe here is a question for you..


How many top tennis players today still hit a one handed backhand?  Why not?







It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana
Edited by LuckyLefty on 1/26/2012 at 6:37 AM
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana