I have always been one of the guys that if it is illegal then they should forfiet the points and that is that. On the other hand, I really understand reading what is said here about maybe discrestion is the better idea. Something I have to remember myself. I flat out accussed a team of sandbagging one night and they did not even know what I was talking about. Then it was pointed out this was a fun mixed league, not my money league and althouhg the guys where probably guttering intentionally, they also were losing almost every total pins because of it. They never learned and eventually quite. Off subject, but my tantrum just made me look dumb and gave me no opportunity to educate the new bowlers of what was right and wrong. It is a shame that some proshops and I use the term pro losely ignore the rules. Odds are if it is out as much as you say, the guy will drill a hole that is oversize and the ball will still be illegal just within the weight specs. The bad drilling problem is more common than we probably realize. I know last year at the ABC's one guy had brought 6 balls and the only one that passed inspection was his spare ball. One was so bad he had to carry it to one of the boothes to see if they could fix it. He was really happy with his proshop about then. Of course I have also inspected every ball before I left town, only to have the ABC guys say a ball was off one direction or another. Sometimes I question their accuracy as much as the local guys. So, back to the subject, I vote talk with the guy in a nice way and see if he can get it checked before someone nails him. The bad feeling just might not be worth the trouble. Man, I can't believe I just said that. Mr. hardnose rules saying just get it fixed before the next time.