The rules set forth by ABC / USBC have long been the standard for regulating bowling as a sport. But, any league could establish a set of rules too. As for bonding? I've been in the industry long enough, in the right place(?), to have witnessed, bonding does little or nothing for the league if someone takes off with the money. Averages? With technology today, it would be easy enough to set up a data base.
What USBC has done is, stick their nose where it doesn't belong and that's on the business side of bowling. Who needs them regurgitating what manufacturers can tell us themselves. And, ever noticed how long it takes for USBC to get past the shameless advertising of their product to get to a point?
Here's something that really irks me, certified coaching. It's not so much the learning aspect of becoming a certified coach, USBC turned right around and introduced free instructional dvd's. It stabbed all of those certified coaches squarely in the back. To think, the money that it costs to get certified was at least partially responsible for production of those dvd's.
Don't even get me started on the Learning Center, could go on and on.
Actually, I have been very vocal ever since the advent of short oil and other imposed regulations on the industry.
I can absolutely say, ABC / USBC has done way more harm than good.