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Author Topic: Solutions regarding USBC  (Read 9876 times)

Luke Rosdahl

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Solutions regarding USBC
« on: July 24, 2017, 09:34:17 AM »
So I know we can all talk about what's wrong, but the inevitable reaction is, "well oh yeah, then how would you fix it?"  So how would you fix it?  It's become pretty clear to me the direction that USBC is going, the "future for the sport" mantra itself indicates that they have zero interest in the recreational bowler.  Their whole angle is competitive bowling at whatever level, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.  My thought is that if you take care of the people paying the bills, then you have plenty of money left to fund special interests.  Instead, they've chosen to pursue their interests, and want everyone else not supporting that to screw off and go away.  I think we need an entire new organization that will look after the interests of the average league bowler, and not take their money and hand it to the upper 5%.  I know that's a stupidly simple solution, but USBC just keeps getting worse, and show no signs of trending in a positive direction.  The dues increases are just going to further fund their interests, not the interests of who they're supposed to be serving.  They're not going to fix something they don't think is broken. 
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2017, 09:49:31 AM »
If bowlers actually cared about this, they would vote to change the situation. All the power needed is in the local and state associations and the representatives who go to the national convention. The average league bowler doesn't really give a shit.

There are a handful of people here who actually care, but the people in your local Tuesday Night Mixed Fours don't give any of this a second thought.
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2017, 10:03:00 AM »
Applications for the 2018-19 Board of Directors are being accepted until October 1.  If you think the organization is run so terribly here is your opportunity to make a difference. 

Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2017, 10:14:27 AM »
That isn't the story here . . USBC membership is a hot topic with everyone every year.  No one has any idea what they're paying for, and now dues are being raised.  People aren't happy. 

If bowlers actually cared about this, they would vote to change the situation. All the power needed is in the local and state associations and the representatives who go to the national convention. The average league bowler doesn't really give a shit.

There are a handful of people here who actually care, but the people in your local Tuesday Night Mixed Fours don't give any of this a second thought.
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Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2017, 10:17:19 AM »
Politics is the last place I need to be.  I've already been told in no uncertain terms that "negativity" isn't wanted and if I don't like the way things are, I can just not participate.  The only people that get appointed are the yes men that support the agenda. 

Applications for the 2018-19 Board of Directors are being accepted until October 1.  If you think the organization is run so terribly here is your opportunity to make a difference.
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2017, 10:20:30 AM »
That isn't the story here . . USBC membership is a hot topic with everyone every year.  No one has any idea what they're paying for, and now dues are being raised.  People aren't happy. 

If bowlers actually cared about this, they would vote to change the situation. All the power needed is in the local and state associations and the representatives who go to the national convention. The average league bowler doesn't really give a shit.

There are a handful of people here who actually care, but the people in your local Tuesday Night Mixed Fours don't give any of this a second thought.

Yes, it IS the topic. If they weren't happy, then they would take part in the process and do something about it. But they don't. The rank and file member of USBC doesn't really care. They may grumble when they have to pay their yearly membership, then it's forgotten. This fact is proven every year at the local level when new offices and board members are voted in.
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2017, 10:29:37 AM »
  Luke has it 100%.Why do I want my money funding the PWBA, PBA, and Team USA.Never did before until this USBC takeover.Heck the association in my town cant enforce simple rules.
  PBA, PWBA should be able to get sponsors to fund it.It shouldn't be a promotion for the sport of bowling.It should be a promotion for the fun of bowling.There is no promotion of bowling period in my area.Its really sad.
  20 years ago our centers had people paid hourly who's job was to be over league's.They always promoted new league's and Tournaments.They made sure leagues were as full as possible.Now they have employs who hate to see anybody walk in the doors.Means they might have to work a little.
  Now I see the Proprietors are sponsoring the PBA this next season.They seem to be worried.Why are they not doing a national advertising campain.Its really sad 45 years bowling and makes no sense why its going down the toilet.
  Another rant is why do I need to see Chad Murphy sitting behind the camera every PWBA finals?Is he that proud on this sinking ship?

Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2017, 10:29:53 AM »
True story.  Our membership base keeps shrinking every year though.  Not only are they not doing anything about it, they're rather choosing to just say piss on it, it's not worth my time and quitting.  Of course that's what they want though, if you're not on fire for bowling and put hours and hours of your personal time on the line, being a participant/customer isn't good enough. 

That isn't the story here . . USBC membership is a hot topic with everyone every year.  No one has any idea what they're paying for, and now dues are being raised.  People aren't happy. 

If bowlers actually cared about this, they would vote to change the situation. All the power needed is in the local and state associations and the representatives who go to the national convention. The average league bowler doesn't really give a shit.

There are a handful of people here who actually care, but the people in your local Tuesday Night Mixed Fours don't give any of this a second thought.

Yes, it IS the topic. If they weren't happy, then they would take part in the process and do something about it. But they don't. The rank and file member of USBC doesn't really care. They may grumble when they have to pay their yearly membership, then it's forgotten. This fact is proven every year at the local level when new offices and board members are voted in.
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2017, 10:37:51 AM »
  Luke has it 100%.Why do I want my money funding the PWBA, PBA, and Team USA.Never did before until this USBC takeover.Heck the association in my town cant enforce simple rules.
  PBA, PWBA should be able to get sponsors to fund it.It shouldn't be a promotion for the sport of bowling.It should be a promotion for the fun of bowling.There is no promotion of bowling period in my area.Its really sad.
  20 years ago our centers had people paid hourly who's job was to be over league's.They always promoted new league's and Tournaments.They made sure leagues were as full as possible.Now they have employs who hate to see anybody walk in the doors.Means they might have to work a little.
  Now I see the Proprietors are sponsoring the PBA this next season.They seem to be worried.Why are they not doing a national advertising campain.Its really sad 45 years bowling and makes no sense why its going down the toilet.
  Another rant is why do I need to see Chad Murphy sitting behind the camera every PWBA finals?Is he that proud on this sinking ship?

Do you attend your annual association meeting?
"If guns kill people, do pencils misspell words?"

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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2017, 10:46:56 AM »
I have and its a waste of time trust me.It's the good ole boy system.You don't like what they do and bring it up.Your labeled as a trouble maker because they can't enforce simple rules because of being a bunch of P...ys.They are afraid to piss someone off.Just facts here in my town.

 Main Event Entertainment is opening a center tomorrow here.They are only geared for recreation bowling.They only have what they call fun leagues 8 week leagues 8$ a week.My 3 other centers here are worried.Its going to be for the recreational bowler they at least seem to have a clue.Will be very interesting to see how it all turns out. Brand new 8 million dollar place compared to the other centers which are 40 years or older and dumps.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 10:58:13 AM by BowlingforSoup »


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2017, 10:56:48 AM »
The ABC had nothing to do with the growth in membership during the 60s, and the USBC ( ABC) had nothing to do with the decline in membership over the past 20 years.  I have had my share of beefs with how they managed a lot of things, but none of these issues would have changed the decline in membership at all.


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2017, 11:04:26 AM »
Last 15 years I have seen no promoting bowling at all in my area.If you don't put forth some effort of course it will decline.We don't even have High School bowling anymore we did 25 years ago.I want bowling to survive But if everybody keeps thinking the way it is now its not going to.


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2017, 11:18:19 AM »
This is how 99% of all bowling centers advertise their bowling leagues: With a little luck you will come into my center and read my league flyer and get excited to join one of my leagues.

That method is not going to increase your leagues or bring in new bowlers. In my opinion, the proprietors themselves have killed league bowling more than the ABC/USBC. Their lack of effort to promote league bowling OUTSIDE of the bowling center is killing it and they don't realize it or don't care.

When was the last time you saw a TV spot, heard a radio spot, saw a major newspaper ad, or even saw a local newspaper ad promoting the upcoming bowling league season?

I ain't seen one in over 30 years.
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Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2017, 11:41:04 AM »
Eh, I'd argue they've had a fair amount to do with the decline in membership, just in several rather indirect ways.  The time and expense involved to "compete," something they've pushed and pushed, is too much for most people now.  That's what I've heard constantly in the shop, it's "I don't have the time or money to keep up anymore, I'm just a once a week guy and to even do any good you've gotta practice all the time and carry in 10 balls to league."  Naturally they're exaggerating about the 10 balls, but that's the general perception.  Competition is pushed so hard, you can't just have fun, you have to be good and have to compete, and all these tool bags they created marching around with their company jerseys dragging in bags upon bags of balls asking what the pattern is and for a topography report and asking why the oil isn't blue are for some reason who everyone looks up to.  You can't just pick up your LT-48 in your little A frame bag and head to league to have a drink and a smoke and hang out anymore.  It takes most guys a half hour just to get their hair gelled and spiked just right before league now. 

I'll agree with it being pretty horrifically promoted too though. 

The ABC had nothing to do with the growth in membership during the 60s, and the USBC ( ABC) had nothing to do with the decline in membership over the past 20 years.  I have had my share of beefs with how they managed a lot of things, but none of these issues would have changed the decline in membership at all.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 12:17:41 PM by Luke Rosdahl »
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2017, 12:16:26 PM »
I think the perception that you have to have thousands of dollars worth of equipment is just an excuse used by people that are simply tired if the competitive game.  A lot of people quit golf every year because it is simply too tough to be fun, but seldom hear one say it is because they need a $500 driver to be competitive.

Bowling is a much more challenging game than people have ever realized.