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Author Topic: Solutions regarding USBC  (Read 9775 times)

Luke Rosdahl

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Solutions regarding USBC
« on: July 24, 2017, 09:34:17 AM »
So I know we can all talk about what's wrong, but the inevitable reaction is, "well oh yeah, then how would you fix it?"  So how would you fix it?  It's become pretty clear to me the direction that USBC is going, the "future for the sport" mantra itself indicates that they have zero interest in the recreational bowler.  Their whole angle is competitive bowling at whatever level, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.  My thought is that if you take care of the people paying the bills, then you have plenty of money left to fund special interests.  Instead, they've chosen to pursue their interests, and want everyone else not supporting that to screw off and go away.  I think we need an entire new organization that will look after the interests of the average league bowler, and not take their money and hand it to the upper 5%.  I know that's a stupidly simple solution, but USBC just keeps getting worse, and show no signs of trending in a positive direction.  The dues increases are just going to further fund their interests, not the interests of who they're supposed to be serving.  They're not going to fix something they don't think is broken. 
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2017, 12:24:23 PM »
The vast majority of USBC members have zero clue why they pay sanction fees, similar to secretary fees, other than they're told to and they've always done it
Where those funds go is outa sight outa mind
Golfers do NOT quit due to difficulty of the game...USGA researched it and found the Tiger effect is wearing off-the masses that joined in the late 90's early 2000's have now grown to having adult responsibilities-jobs families etc and do NOT have time for 6hr rounds on the weekends
Golf grew its most due to Tiger no other reason and bowling does NOT have a Tiger to push the game to higher levels of awareness
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2017, 12:32:24 PM »
The "you can't have fun" is a load of crap, as is the time and money excuse.  League bowling is recreation.  If you are doing it for anything than fun and enjoyment you should reevaluate why you are there. 


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2017, 12:43:57 PM »
The vast majority of USBC members have zero clue why they pay sanction fees, similar to secretary fees, other than they're told to and they've always done it
Where those funds go is outa sight outa mind
Golfers do NOT quit due to difficulty of the game...USGA researched it and found the Tiger effect is wearing off-the masses that joined in the late 90's early 2000's have now grown to having adult responsibilities-jobs families etc and do NOT have time for 6hr rounds on the weekends
Golf grew its most due to Tiger no other reason and bowling does NOT have a Tiger to push the game to higher levels of awareness

I agree that paying one's yearly USBC sanction fee has become as routine as renewing one's locker at the bowling alley, it's just something you do and not give a second thought about...bowlers will complain when sanction fees go up, then just accept it and carry on.

Speaking of Tiger growing the sport of Golf, it makes me wonder if bowling membership grew when Earl Anthony was a common fixture on ABC telecasts Sat afternoons in the 70's-early 80's or Walter Ray in the 90's? Seriously doubt the USBC would ever do research on it but it would be interesting to see.
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2017, 12:49:51 PM »
I agree with itsallabout me, league bowling is all about brackets any more. the pure enjoyment of good competition is what is lacking.i am 80 yrs old & still enjoy just the competive nature of bowling.

Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2017, 12:55:30 PM »
I'm saying that's the idea that's pushed, and USBC isn't interested in fun and enjoyment, they're all about brutal difficulty and "integrity" and looking down on anyone who just wants to no thumb a ball to see it hook.  That or I must just be in the most toxic area of the country when it comes to this stuff . . if you just want to have fun or oppose the agenda, you're not popular, let's put it that way.  You can't have fun where I'm from anyway.  Watching Mike Wurme videos is great because people here are stunned that everyone on the videos is so easy going about shooting honor scores.  Here if it doesn't resemble a PBA tv set when somebody gets up on the front 9, you're gonna get jumped in the parking lot. 

The "you can't have fun" is a load of crap, as is the time and money excuse.  League bowling is recreation.  If you are doing it for anything than fun and enjoyment you should reevaluate why you are there.
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2017, 01:02:46 PM »
Every stat I have seen says that the attrition rate in golf us very high.  Tiger effect has huge pact on TV viewership, but not so much in participation.  Bottom line, people quit both sports because they stop having fun commensurate with the time and money they are putting in.


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2017, 01:04:56 PM »
It is surprising how many people are stuck in the ABC / USBC mode. If it were any other business model? It would have been bankrupt or non-existent a long time ago. Not trying to be malicious, they simply do not have a clue.


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2017, 01:10:13 PM »
The USBC is a governing body, not a bunch of cruise directors that need to make it fun. 

People that try to get their competitive bowling fix while bowling league are never going to enjoy it. 


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #24 on: July 24, 2017, 01:32:59 PM »
The primary purpose of the USBC is to make playing rules for a sport.  If people don't want to play the game as a sport that is their right.  The vast majority of golfers do not play within USGA rules.  Every golf course gets its primary revenue from these RECREATIONAL players.  However they also all have men's clubs that do play under the rules and provide an opportunity to play the game as a sport. 

The problem with bowling is that the very business model from the begining of the boom was to channel recreational bowlers in to a competitive sport environment.  Over the years more and more recreational bowlers decided that they didn't want to participate in the structured environment offered under USBC rules.  That means they also began to see less benefit they were receiving from USBC dues.

Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2017, 01:45:20 PM »
Very valid statement. 

The USBC is a governing body, not a bunch of cruise directors that need to make it fun. 

People that try to get their competitive bowling fix while bowling league are never going to enjoy it.
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #26 on: July 24, 2017, 01:50:03 PM »
A. I can show you facts, from the actual research the USGA did on the growth (and now decline)  of golf centering around Tiger but you go ahead & live in your little bubble

B. The bottom line is USBC does not know who their true customer is nor with the current regime care...Chad is more concerned of his image with his little circle and is too self absorbed abt his legacy and if that even means taking down the organization so be it
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #27 on: July 24, 2017, 02:46:36 PM »
Could care less about USBC organizational issues but I still have hope that bowling may make a come back in the future.  Have to keep in mind right now have something that has never happened in human history before and that is the older generation (Baby Boomers) is bigger than the middle generation (Generation X or whatever).  I still believe as millennials age (biggest generation yet) they may end up taking up bowling as low impact exercise.  Could be wrong though as stupid e-sports seem to call to them more. 
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 04:04:58 PM by HackJandy »
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2017, 02:51:57 PM »
How do you plan on growing a sport/game/entertainment to new people that haven't bowled in a league before when the commitment to do so in most cases is 36 weeks?

Why would anyone in their right mind want to commit to 36 weeks at 3+ hours a night to such a thing? Not factoring in food or beverages that they will likely buy because of the time they are there.

This is a huge factor that is not a USBC issue this is a proprietor issue/business model issue. Times have changed and many places are keeping up with the changes and many are failing.

Many have gone to shorter leagues, split leagues, more 4 person, 3 person, 2 person leagues that have had lots of success. Granted if you have a wall to wall league for 32 to 36 weeks you do not want to change that....any other league that isn't full or growing maybe time to re-evaluate your options to maximize your potential to grow.

USBC at the National level is focusing on things that do not apply to many league bowlers. The local associations and the proprietors have a lot of say in growing their sport and are missing the opportunities. That becomes a business model issue.
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2017, 03:11:00 PM »
How do you plan on growing a sport/game/entertainment to new people that haven't bowled in a league before when the commitment to do so in most cases is 36 weeks?

Why would anyone in their right mind want to commit to 36 weeks at 3+ hours a night to such a thing? Not factoring in food or beverages that they will likely buy because of the time they are there.

This is a huge factor that is not a USBC issue this is a proprietor issue/business model issue. Times have changed and many places are keeping up with the changes and many are failing.

Many have gone to shorter leagues, split leagues, more 4 person, 3 person, 2 person leagues that have had lots of success. Granted if you have a wall to wall league for 32 to 36 weeks you do not want to change that....any other league that isn't full or growing maybe time to re-evaluate your options to maximize your potential to grow.

USBC at the National level is focusing on things that do not apply to many league bowlers. The local associations and the proprietors have a lot of say in growing their sport and are missing the opportunities. That becomes a business model issue.

I agree.  I don't think I'll ever give up league bowling, but the 34-36 week Fall schedule always give me pause.  I'm 47 and the bowlers in my age bracket or younger always discuss and agree a shorter/modified season would be great.  Then when it comes down to a vote the majority always wins and nothing changes.  And guess who the majority is, age 60 and up, the retirees and empty nesters. 

At the beginning of our fall season last year in a rapidly declining 4 person mixed league my team could not find one designated female to bowl with us.  This league is in trouble and loses about 3-5 teams per season.  Its down to 12 teams now.  My team loves the league and wants to continue and try to grow it.  We asked for a vote to change it to remove the mixed team requirement.  The majority older crowd voted a resounding NO!!!  Luckily we found a female a week later, just in time not to get dropped from the league.   Coincidently we are the high average team by a comfortable margin but always finish in the middle/upper end of the pack.  But never 1st/2nd.  My opinion is the older crowd just wanted to stick it to us high average bowlers and are too resistant to change.  Unfortunately I see this particular league dying a slow death.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 03:12:36 PM by rocky61201 »
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2017, 03:22:29 PM »
If, USBC's goal is to tear down organized bowling as a whole, they are doing a great job. As I've heard from several of my colleagues, high school bowling is supposed to be the future. This ideology is coming from the top down.

But, wait a second, I coached high school bowling for several years. We were very successful too. To my knowledge, less than a handful have taken to adult leagues. Reason, there is nothing to be gained by dedicating that much time to an organized league. First, they know, in order to be any good, they have to practice. Second, they would have to constantly purchase new equipment. (That's what they learn at the high school level).

Collegiate level? Hmmmm, coached that too. Some of them still bowl, most do not. Reason they don't bowl, same as above. To bowl well in today's ever changing and artificially challenging environment, which by the way they used to bowling on and actually demand, would take at least a few hours a week of practice to be somewhat competitive. Enter lower skilled bowler, with little to no education, beating them because they spend all of their time and money on bowling.

Simply, there is no parity in bowling.

So, what does USBC do? They succumb to the desires of bowling's least populated segment, the top 1%. Want to hear some bitchin? Listen to them.

In the meantime, organized bowling (not PBA, not Team USA) is dwindling.