If, USBC's goal is to tear down organized bowling as a whole, they are doing a great job. As I've heard from several of my colleagues, high school bowling is supposed to be the future. This ideology is coming from the top down.
But, wait a second, I coached high school bowling for several years. We were very successful too. To my knowledge, less than a handful have taken to adult leagues. Reason, there is nothing to be gained by dedicating that much time to an organized league. First, they know, in order to be any good, they have to practice. Second, they would have to constantly purchase new equipment. (That's what they learn at the high school level).
Collegiate level? Hmmmm, coached that too. Some of them still bowl, most do not. Reason they don't bowl, same as above. To bowl well in today's ever changing and artificially challenging environment, which by the way they used to bowling on and actually demand, would take at least a few hours a week of practice to be somewhat competitive. Enter lower skilled bowler, with little to no education, beating them because they spend all of their time and money on bowling.
Simply, there is no parity in bowling.
So, what does USBC do? They succumb to the desires of bowling's least populated segment, the top 1%. Want to hear some bitchin? Listen to them.
In the meantime, organized bowling (not PBA, not Team USA) is dwindling.