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Author Topic: Solutions regarding USBC  (Read 9777 times)

Luke Rosdahl

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Solutions regarding USBC
« on: July 24, 2017, 09:34:17 AM »
So I know we can all talk about what's wrong, but the inevitable reaction is, "well oh yeah, then how would you fix it?"  So how would you fix it?  It's become pretty clear to me the direction that USBC is going, the "future for the sport" mantra itself indicates that they have zero interest in the recreational bowler.  Their whole angle is competitive bowling at whatever level, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.  My thought is that if you take care of the people paying the bills, then you have plenty of money left to fund special interests.  Instead, they've chosen to pursue their interests, and want everyone else not supporting that to screw off and go away.  I think we need an entire new organization that will look after the interests of the average league bowler, and not take their money and hand it to the upper 5%.  I know that's a stupidly simple solution, but USBC just keeps getting worse, and show no signs of trending in a positive direction.  The dues increases are just going to further fund their interests, not the interests of who they're supposed to be serving.  They're not going to fix something they don't think is broken. 
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2017, 03:28:18 PM »
>Collegiate level? Hmmmm, coached that too. Some of them still bowl, most do not. Reason they don't bowl, same as above.

I know I am in the minority I guess but who needs a reason to go bowling?  Only thing that has ever stopped me was my back and having problems for awhile finding a place that would leave the damn lights on.  Competition is fine but you can truly love the sport without it.  Open bowling eats up a significant number of my lunch hours.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 03:32:01 PM by HackJandy »
Kind of noob when made this account so take advice with grain of salt.


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2017, 03:34:51 PM »
High school and college bowling are like The First Tee for golf.  It looks good to have those big participation numbers, but they are groups that are participating and not having to pay to do so.  It's a whole other Oprah when you have to pay to play.

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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2017, 03:38:24 PM »
Vote GTGT for USBC President, I'll solve all this shit.   ;D  :P


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2017, 04:03:24 PM »
The primary purpose of the USBC is to make playing rules for a sport.  If people don't want to play the game as a sport that is their right.  The vast majority of golfers do not play within USGA rules.  Every golf course gets its primary revenue from these RECREATIONAL players.  However they also all have men's clubs that do play under the rules and provide an opportunity to play the game as a sport. 

The problem with bowling is that the very business model from the begining of the boom was to channel recreational bowlers in to a competitive sport environment.  Over the years more and more recreational bowlers decided that they didn't want to participate in the structured environment offered under USBC rules.  That means they also began to see less benefit they were receiving from USBC dues.

^^ this without any doubt...


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2017, 04:14:28 PM »
I have and its a waste of time trust me.It's the good ole boy system.You don't like what they do and bring it up.Your labeled as a trouble maker because they can't enforce simple rules because of being a bunch of P...ys.They are afraid to piss someone off.Just facts here in my town.

Well I suggest you and perhaps your friends or acquaintances that have issues with your local board run for said board, and implement the change(s) you're looking for. It's truly the only way to get what you want.

My opinion is the local boards do a good job. They've had a lot of responsibilities passed down to them by National USBC, like awards programs. 95% of your local board are unaid volunteers, and they do what they can.


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #36 on: July 24, 2017, 07:20:11 PM »

B. The bottom line is USBC does not know who their true customer is nor with the current regime care...Chad is more concerned of his image with his little circle and is too self absorbed abt his legacy and if that even means taking down the organization so be it

This man speaks the truth...Chad is a genius, just ask him
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2017, 07:43:09 PM »
A. I can show you facts, from the actual research the USGA did on the growth (and now decline)  of golf centering around Tiger but you go ahead & live in your little bubble

B. The bottom line is USBC does not know who their true customer is nor with the current regime care...Chad is more concerned of his image with his little circle and is too self absorbed abt his legacy and if that even means taking down the organization so be it

Rico you make a valid point about golf and Tiger. I use to watch golf a little bit and when Tiger hit the scene I watched it constantly.  Since the Tiger era is over I've hardly watched any of it. As for Chad he's got to be the biggest d**khead that has run the USBC.


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2017, 11:00:18 PM »
Did you play less when Tiger became a non factor.  Golf participation had dropped a lit over the past 10 years but it is arguable whether the economy or Tigers decline contributed the most.  As for TV viewer ship no question the Tiger impact is huge.


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #39 on: July 25, 2017, 10:09:35 AM »
I agree most with the point about the USBC in that it really does not serve it members other than the 1% of very high level bowlers. I would say 90% of it's members are recreational bowlers just looking to have some time out having a good time and I would argue that is who they should work hardest for if they want to keep them as members. Someone argued it is just a rule governing body like the USGA but I would argue that point in that only 10% of golfers actually pay for USGA membership. And it does not rely on recreation golfers that make up far majority of people who pay to play and have a good time to survive as an entity.

Solutions, now that is where I would contend the USBC as it is now will not survive as leagues slowly for the most part recognize there is little to no value in anything other than competitive leagues. What does it really provide for its members? I golf and have gotten a hole in one, broke 80 a few times, and none "sanctioned" by USGA. Have I lost anything by not being a member? Not really. I have bowled a few 300s with only 1 sanctioned and yes I did get the ring but please dont ask me where it is so if it wasnt sanctioned would it have mattered? In the end its just something to remember but not any more/less important if "sanctioned".

If the USBC really wants to survive as it currently exists I agree with Luke that it should work for the 90% and do things to make that sanction fee worth while. And then it could also work for the 10% of competitive bowlers separately. I would argue that USBC should have league programs for all the different levels of bowlers nationwide that it promotes and oversees. They can work with existing leagues/local associations where leagues are strong and on their own where leagues are not. How about nationwide tournaments that you are entered into while bowling your league for no extra cost getting a sponsor to take all the entries into a contest to win a car or something of value. Marketing is not my thing but the USBC should and could really work with the BPAA and in turn provide some benefits of membership for its customers.

just my ramble on


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #40 on: July 25, 2017, 10:52:06 AM »
If any of you used the discounts the USBC has obtained for you by being a member, it would more then pay for your annual membership. Have any of you have even looked at that page on the USBC website?
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #41 on: July 25, 2017, 11:34:55 AM »
Bowling in a fall league is a commitment. I believe sanctioned league bowling should be a competitive environment(generally speaking).  It seems that nowadays many people looking for just a fun night out at bowling center are going to these "new" bowling/eating establishments where bowling is the sideshow to the food, or they are just doing one of these package deals at a traditional bowling center where they get shoes/bowling, pizza and soda for a certain price and not pinning themselves down to have to be at the bowling center at a certain time on a certain day of the week for a predetermined length of time. I like competition. I like the attempt to win---win a game---win a series--win a league.  I do recall seeing a bit of criticism over the years about how bowling is no longer being treated as a "sport" but as recreation, and now it seems the governing body wants to treat it as a sport, if I understood this conversation correctly, and that too is getting criticized.  Is there even a middle ground? 


Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #42 on: July 25, 2017, 11:46:01 AM »
The membership fee isn't anything I've ever had an issue with, in fact I think it's much too cheap for what people are wanting out of it.  When they stopped doing the awards, our organization created a survey to find out what kinds of awards people wanted for certain scores.  There were people asking for like $20 coupons to the bowling alley, $50 gift certificates to the pro shop, bowling balls, and several asked for cars.  Our local association gets $7 per member per year, and we lose money every year.  Zero idea what people expect for $10 a year. 

I'm not seeing it with the discounts.  Sure if you actually used them, but there's nothing in there that people really use. 

If any of you used the discounts the USBC has obtained for you by being a member, it would more then pay for your annual membership. Have any of you have even looked at that page on the USBC website?
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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #43 on: July 25, 2017, 01:00:48 PM »
Remember a few years back on the message boards when guys were constantly posting his bowling was dying because high scoring was ruining the game and taking away from it being a sport.  Now we see people blaming the low scoring environment in nationals for the decline.  Too easy?  Too hard?  There will always be an excuse when people get tired of doing something.  I prefer to note there are still a significantly large number of bowlers who like the game as a sport.  Certainly more than approach golf as a sport. 


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #44 on: July 25, 2017, 01:30:51 PM »
There is no chance bowling has more that approach it as a sport than golf. 

2 million golfers keep a handicap.  18000 PGA of America members.   


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Re: Solutions regarding USBC
« Reply #45 on: July 25, 2017, 01:42:37 PM »
Surprised that there are that many with established handicaps.  Not sure PGA membership is a relevant comparison.  If the only way to make money bowling was to be a PBA pro that membership would be significantly higher.