You have a couple of good bowling balls already.There are several things that could be holding you back from the Mutant Cell not working. My first suggestion is to take the ball back to the pro shop that drilled the ball and have them answer some of your questions. Your ball might just need more surface applied to make the Mutant come to life for you. On a typical house shot there should be part of the lane that has more friction for the your ball to work better. Your driller should be able to help you better than we can, because he can watch you bowl and check your ball surface. A new bowling ball at this point probably won't help you solve any of your problems. Some good coaching will be a better option at this point. Yes, you should keep your ball clean with a good cleaner and I am convinced that the microfiber towel works better while bowling to help keep the oil off of the ball.
Edited by jodyk24 on 1/30/2011 at 12:24 PM
Edited by jodyk24 on 1/30/2011 at 12:29 PM