Tim, most of the bowlers are right at or just over deuce. The first game is a carry fest, the "non lane readers" bowl 230, 240 or 250 the first game. Guess what happens next.....they fall off the horse. If you look at the league as a whole I would guess second game scores are at least 20 pins lower than the first. The remaining two games are about carrying or not. It also depends on which team you bowl. Some nights I hardly move my feet, I just adjust target and breakpoint. Other nights I am constantly moving left chasing the oil line.
Last night was a prime example, I started 232, 227 and finished with a BUCK 91.

I was hitting the pocket but not kicking the corner. I also missed a tenpin and left a split after a 3 bagger. We bowled Phatdon and he was the only one who shot deuce on the whole pair the last game, my 191 was second. Whao-who! (I think that advice you gave him worked, he shot 70?)
The highest average in the house is 224 (I think). That same guy averages 211 on Tuesday. I don't know what the 224 is on.
"Act like you've been there before"

Edited on 4/7/2004 10:43 PM