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Author Topic: Some people will never learn.  (Read 4674 times)

Gene J Kanak

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Some people will never learn.
« on: June 03, 2003, 12:08:05 AM »
My fellow bowlers,

  I have noticed a pattern emerging over the past 10 years or so, and it is only getting worse. It seems that a very large percentage of the bowling world is more interested in how many boards the bowling ball is covering, rather than how many pins it is knocking down. I know it's shocking, but it's true.
  I have a friend who falls into this category. He owns four bowling balls, all very aggressive, and states that he really needs to find a ball that will hook more and allow him to open up the lane. Keep in mind, two of his primary balls are the Granite Gargoyle and the X-Factor Deuce! His style is raw; he cocks his wrist greatly and digs into the ball as hard as he can at the foul line, sometimes nearly falling over from the effort. He carries an average around 180, but misses an average of at least two spares per game. But he in not the only one.
  In my travels to tournaments and during league nights alike, I often see several people using the latest hook monster chucking the ball wide and grinning from ear to ear as it comes roaring back. Of course, the ball only finds the pocket 1 out of 7 times, usually leaving a 7-10 in the process due to the extreme angle that the bowler is playing. Or if it's not the 7-10, it's just the 10, which might just as well be a split because the bowler has no concept and, it appears, no interest in picking it up anyhow.
  The most-laughable part of this equation is the fact that some people are actually impressed with this way of bowling. I love it when someone nudges me and tells me to 'watch so and so throw the ball, they're really good'. So, I watch so and so do exactly what I've described above, and then prepare for the shocked and awed look on the person's face when I tell them that I'm not very impressed.
  Now that I'm off of my soapbox, I'll get to the point. I'm not saying that hooking the lane is a bad thing. I have a friend who turns the ball so damn hard that I'm waiting for his hand to catch fire from all of the friction. And yes, it does look extremely impressive when he hits the pocket with such authority that it carries strikes on the lanes on either side of him as well as his own. But what impresses me more about this friend is not his ability to hook the ball, but his ability to make his spares when he leaves them.
  I realize that many of you know this, but to those who don't, hooking the ball is not the name of the game ladies and gentlemen. The name of the game is finding the best way to score on given conditions. Sometimes that means standing left, throwing right, gripping and ripping and using every board from coast to coast to get the job done. However, there are other times when playing hard and straight dead at the pocket is the way to go.
  In my scratch-match play league this year I was bowling with 15 people whom I had never bowled with before. Most of them hooked the ball quite a bit more than I did, but with good control. Still, they seemed to be shocked and amazed when I would point the ball straight up second arrow at arround 18 mph and rip the rack to beat them. It was almost as if they felt that my shots were of lesser quality, just because they were straighter. Forget about the fact that I hit my mark dead on the money each and every shot.
  It just cracks me up that some people think that it is cooler to hook the ball and shoot decent, than it is to play straight and score. It's the same thing that was brought up in a post a while back about whether you'd rather string strikes or be a good spare shooter. Sure, we'd all like to string strikes, but if you don't make your spares in the instances where you fail to strike, you're done. End of story.
  When did playing straighter become 'uncool'? I don't no the answer to that, but what I do know is that one of the premier players on the PBA Tour is also one of the straighter players. Sure, Rudy Revs and Robert Smith are fun to watch, but Walter Ray and his rocket to the pocket seem to be cashing a lot of checks these days.
  I guess all I'm saying is learn how to hook the ball and play straight, learn how to make your spares, then try to be smart enough to know when to use what you've learned.

Gene J. Kanak
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?



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Re: Some people will never learn.
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2003, 08:01:36 PM »

I wasn't trying to single out the juniors. I was merely making an observation that I see more 2 finger crankers in the "future bowlers" of america than ever before.

Maybe it's because they see us & the pros with the big booming hooks & are trying to emulate but only have plastic house balls to work with. So they 2 finger crank to compensate.

Maybe we should change house balls from plastic to resin?

I mean it took a while, but now you will almost never find a wooden driver in the bucket at the driving range, why should we have plastic house balls?


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Re: Some people will never learn.
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2003, 10:08:20 PM »
A couple guys in my monday night leauge do this a little bit. One 120 something shooter cranks the holes out of his white dot and actually throws some sweet looking strikes, the 3-4 and 7-outs dont look that good of course. I might be hooking the ball a bit and influencing these guys but most of the time i'm just trying to keep it in play and on the right side of the headpin(eg go straighter) Oh well i used to be the same once , the roles just get reversed as you get older.
Do you want some of THIS!!!
Time for some REAL bowling!!!


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Re: Some people will never learn.
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2003, 10:36:17 PM »
It never ceases to amaze me that I can find people like hamster everywhere. I thought for sure that bowling would be a sport where I wouldn't hear such foolishness. Neither I or anyone I know acts like the "black person" that you describe. I'm not really insulted, I'm used to it! That is really sad indeed. I couldn't let that comment go by without saying something. You had to think about what you said since you had to type it first. I guess I'll just hang out in the wings and pick up bowling knowledge like I have been doing.
And one more thing, we aren't all blessed with super athletic genes. Some of us actually work hard to be good at a certain sport, or whatever it is we put our minds to. Brains will always beat brawn.
Bowl to win Baby


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Re: Some people will never learn.
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2003, 02:53:43 AM »
It's funny watching these type of bowlers shoot
at their spares Instead of going straighter at
their spares they again put the most amount on
the ball as much as they can. The 10 pin is
alway's the main culprit. Their ball alway's
hook's away from it or they slam it into the
gutter about halfway down the lane. Hooking the
ball 15+ board's to make a spare seem's like
a waste of effort to me.

Edited on 6/4/2003 3:08 AM

10 In The Pit

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Re: Some people will never learn.
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2003, 04:17:21 AM »
One of the other things that I've noticed about these lay the ball on the forearm and crank the heck out of the ball bowlers is that they only know one line on the lane.  If they have to shoot a spare shot, then they throw the ball exactly like they did for their strike shot, and hope that somehow by a miracle that the ball will hit whatever pin it is that is standing.

Yes, it aggrivates me too watching these people calling themselves bowling.  What good is hooking the ball across 39 boards if you can't hit anything on the other end of the lane?  I guess it must be good because it looks cool, but I can't see the waste of lineage simply trying to impress your buddies by how many boards you can hook the ball.....the name of the game is knocking down pins, and not hooking across 39 boards.  Yes, I like to throw the hook ball myself, but I like it to be under control when it gets to the other end of the lane.

I guess that it might be easier to accomplish these Olympic feats of hooking the ball if you have a bumper shot.  I don't have a bumper shot, and I've watched numerous of these cranker wannabes throw the ball right into the ditch, time after time.  You'd think that after a while, these cranker wannabes would catch on and try to regain control....however, that makes too much sense.


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Re: Some people will never learn.
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2003, 01:20:09 PM »
Leave me alone you big bully!  It's not my fault the laneman thinks the oil crisis is still in full swing and won't put any down for me!


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)

Michael DeSantis

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Re: Some people will never learn.
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2003, 02:10:44 PM »
The size of the hook in bowling is kind of like that male anatomy thing.  Bigger may not be better, but it sure does pop open some eyeballs from time to time.  

It ain't always what you got, but how you use it that counts......
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"Chopping Wood For over Two Decades"