If you spent $600 to buy all of that, your pro shop is seriously very expensive! I would go to your pro shop and explain your situation and then have them give you a discount this time on replacing your stuff. I know I wouldn't charge you $600 for all your items listed. I'm looking at around $400, $200 more is alot of money. The Spare Tire would be the most expensive ball, and those are not easy to find anymore, so you would have to substitute that with a different plastic ball that is less money.
Generally if somebody came to me and their stuff was stolen, I would give them a good price break on new equipment, but that is me.
Good luck getting your stuff back, It may show up at your local bowling center, if it was stolen locally. If you were out town visiting than it may show up at one of the centers there, but it will be harder for you to monitor it. The local pro shops maybe able to help you if it comes into their shop.
It may show up on Craigslist or Ebay. The odds are it will not. The odds are the people that stole it were looking for some other kind of "score" and will just discard your bowling items. Unless they were people that bowl, they wouldn't really have much use for the items, plus the resale value on your balls/equipment isn't very high. I would check around the neighborhood where it was taken, it is posiable they may of just discard it down a street or in an alley once they found out what it was.
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 6/7/2011 at 12:26 PM