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Author Topic: Every Ball Review is Positive  (Read 4620 times)


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Every Ball Review is Positive
« on: April 14, 2017, 10:27:33 AM »
I appreciate that most balls manufactured today are of good quality but every review it seems by bowlers on this site are positive. Nobody ever posts any negative ball reviews which seems counter productive. I know there are a lot of staffers who post thus they can't dare say anything bad about a ball but every non-staffer too? I just started to use this site a lot and would like more honest opinions on balls or any subject. Take care


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Re: Every Ball Review is Positive
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2017, 11:29:14 PM »
If you throw it well enough to be on staff, everything looks good. You can clearly "figure it out" and repeat shots better than your peers. So of course every review is going to be positive from a staff member. Staff members are able to compartmentalize ball reaction so they see the benefits of every ball they get. The review is going to be based on the reaction they see once they "figure it out".

Being on staff has nothing about throwing it good anymore. It's about who you know. Does your shop sell a lot of our balls? STAFF! Doesn't matter if you throw it like dog doodoo. You sell our product, so staff.


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Re: Every Ball Review is Positive
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2017, 10:07:10 AM »
Lol there's a ton of great points in these last few posts.  Yes, being on staff is about selling the equipment, you're basically a contractor for the company.  However, the vast majority take it overboard and that damages the credibility of the individual and the product.  "Well that guy's a staffer, of course he's going to say everything is great."  Yeah, probably.

Also true though is that if you throw only a company (or brand rather nowadays), you get very familiar with the more subtle reaction characteristics, so unless you just really don't match up with a ball type, yeah, everything should look good for you. 

Riggs has got an ego the size of Texas now.  He won't even answer a question on Facebook unless you "buy the blog," because "only subscribers deserve my time."  Yes, he's actually said that on several occasions to people.  Or if you ask a question, he'll say, "well if you bought the blog, you'd know I answered that question 6 months ago if you paid attention!!"  Yeah because everyone reads every article and has been subscribed since the beginning . .  Guy literally checks his subscriber list before answering a question to make sure you "deserve" an answer.  And people wonder why competitive bowling is dying . .

I think Storm has too much focus on tour-type reactions right now . . Storm used to be the place to go if you wanted or needed big backend, now everything is super smooth and ultra controllable.  A lot of safe releases and very few fun ones . . but balls you can't beat for what they do right now are the Sure Lock, Torrent, Dare Devil Trick, and Hectic.  Huge huge fan of the Code Black too . . but I digress lol.
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Re: Every Ball Review is Positive
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2017, 11:30:16 AM »
I don't like the direction storm has been going in their line up. I seem to have success with most  roto equipment