Lol there's a ton of great points in these last few posts. Yes, being on staff is about selling the equipment, you're basically a contractor for the company. However, the vast majority take it overboard and that damages the credibility of the individual and the product. "Well that guy's a staffer, of course he's going to say everything is great." Yeah, probably.
Also true though is that if you throw only a company (or brand rather nowadays), you get very familiar with the more subtle reaction characteristics, so unless you just really don't match up with a ball type, yeah, everything should look good for you.
Riggs has got an ego the size of Texas now. He won't even answer a question on Facebook unless you "buy the blog," because "only subscribers deserve my time." Yes, he's actually said that on several occasions to people. Or if you ask a question, he'll say, "well if you bought the blog, you'd know I answered that question 6 months ago if you paid attention!!" Yeah because everyone reads every article and has been subscribed since the beginning . . Guy literally checks his subscriber list before answering a question to make sure you "deserve" an answer. And people wonder why competitive bowling is dying . .
I think Storm has too much focus on tour-type reactions right now . . Storm used to be the place to go if you wanted or needed big backend, now everything is super smooth and ultra controllable. A lot of safe releases and very few fun ones . . but balls you can't beat for what they do right now are the Sure Lock, Torrent, Dare Devil Trick, and Hectic. Huge huge fan of the Code Black too . . but I digress lol.