Ok, we've pretty much re-taken Falluja, though it seems as if many "insurgents" escaped ahead of us. Now we are on the offensive, re-taking Mosul. I sure as holy bejazus hope we leave enough troops behind in Fallujah to hold it so this doesn't become a recurring cycle Falluja===>Mosul===>Bequaba===>some other god forsaken city===>Fallujah, etc., etc., etc. It's beginning to look to me as if we don't have enough troops on the ground to take and then hold positions, but I'm not a military planner/strategist.
And what's everyone's take on the marine caught on tape killing a wounded prisoner? Do you think it an exception? I suspect it's not an altogether isolated incident. But I also suspect it's found in all wars.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.