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Author Topic: Something wrong  (Read 879 times)


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Something wrong
« on: December 15, 2003, 12:14:53 AM »
I know this is nothing new but something seems wrong about the game of bowling.

Sunday on the TOC telecast Patrick Healey threw a ball that went thru the nose and left a big split. Coming back off the approach he said something to the effect that he thought that he had thrown a good shot.

My point is that something is wrong when a professional at the top of his game can throw a ball and feel he executed perfectly but end up with a horrible result. The shot breaking down should not be so severe that with only a couple shots at most being thrown on the lane since the last time that the ball would go high enough to leave a split.

To follow Sawbones example, this would be like hitting a golf shot into the green only to find out they put rocks on the surface. Miss them and the ball will check by the pin, hit them and the ball will bounce over the green into a water hazard.

Someone will say he should have anticipated the breakdown but 20/20 hindsight is easy. As I said this was a professional, one of the best at adjusting, on the top of his game this week and he couldn’t out guess the lanes.



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Re: Something wrong
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2003, 04:51:05 PM »
all of this discussion is very interesting, and to a degree points out how much the aspect of "luck" comes into play.

in essence, each shot that is thrown on a freshly stripped and oiled lane creates a ribbon of dry in the oil, and a ribbon of oil in the dry.  throw in the variable of track flare, and who knows what's going on down there!  the result has to be micro changes in the "grab" of the bowling ball.  the bowling ball's momentum mostly negates the grabbing, until several "ribbons" are produced.

you'd have to be pretty darn smart, and probably a super-computer, to try to remember/detect these changes to a lane.  and even if you had a map of the lane for every shot, how do you decide exactly where the ball should be thrown?

when you really think about it, bowling is almost a crap shoot!  it makes me believe there's more of a margin of error to get a strike than most people think.

with all of this in mind, i'd rather be playing golf.  i agree with bob's analogy, but at least when you hit a ball 30 feet from the pin instead of 2 feet, you can still make a birdie!!  once you miss your first shot in bowling, you're looking at 10-20 less pins of scoring.
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .

Edited on 12/15/2003 5:50 PM
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .