What does anything have to do with Walter Ray? He's the greatest of all time. Why would I think I was as good as the best of all time? Please tell me where I stated that. You think an 8-10 in the pocket is a good shot, now you are saying the 5-7-10 was a bad break because the guy had the first 11, he must be good. Having the first 11 is a great feat, but why don't you ask the guy if he thought his 5-7-10 was a good shot? And storm, you stated your opinion, I stated mine, I am allowed, correct? If I'm not allowed to disagree with you, please let me know. You stated you've been bowling 13 years, and somehow that has made you some sort of expert? An 8-10 is the second worst pocket leave behind the 5-7-10. The 3rd worst is the 5-7. I stink, I miss too many spares, but that doesn't change the fact that an 8-10 is a weak hit, not a bad break. Did we hijack this thread?

Sorry guys!!!