General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: johns811 on January 14, 2009, 05:15:03 AM
Some bowler on the Tueday mens league went sour apple (5,7,10) for 297. That has to be pretty rare. Anybody ever see that before?
Seen everything from 294 to 300 but not a 297 that way.
I've only ever seen that left one time by an adult bowler, and it sure as heck didn't happen on the final ball of a 300 bid. Yeah, I would've loved to see the guy's reaction to that hit!
Bowling bad since 1979 with no end in sight
We have a lane locally that off sets pins and if you throw a flat shot watch out, we have the 5-7-10 left probably once every two weeks in the premiere mens league. That is a bit off topic though, i've never seen anyone shoot 297 that way before though, that is just rough.
Yep seen it before! And he ran it out at least 5 lanes! It was stunningly hilarious and a good bowling story still told in the area.
- it was I that did it..:-)
Laughed my butt off when it happened.....figured it would always be a good story..
“Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a b@$tard from Hollywood to Las Vegas ... with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether.â€
Never seen the 5-7-10 on the 12th ball before, but I DID see at least three of them left Saturday at the Bradley Open in Lexington on that super long oil pattern (depending on the year, it's apparently anywhere between 48 and 52 feet, and it really seemed to play long and tight this year)
I would say it was you John with your sissy revs, but then again it couldn't be since you are just not that good to throw 11 in a row.
Just messing with you. I couldn't help it. Who was it???
Who needs a 300 or 800, when I have a 294 and a 295!?!?!
You should check some other threads on here. One has the flat 8-10 being a good shot, but a bad break. Maybe there is one for the 5-7-10 being a great shot just a bad break.


my home house in travel league is notorios for 5-7-10 splits. Many of the good bowlers in that house leave those. it only seems to happen on the low end of the house. 7-10 pockets are pretty frequent too. i see at least 2 of those on monday and friday nights. one night 4 guys in a row left the 7-10 on the same lane.
Mr. Natty Boh
Natty Boh Bowling Team
Although not quite as embarrassing as what we refer to as the "Full Murray" (5-7-10), I left a super flat 8-10 to lose a chance to set a house record last month. After coming out of the gates 290-300, walking up in the 10th I could punch for 279 to beat the house high by a stick. After striking on the first shot, I got the 11th shot in and got to the dry way to late and proceeded to hit the pocket with the fury of a bag of marshmallows.
Not only did I lose the house record, the 868 which is currently high was shot in the same league, this same season. Nothing like 856 taking second in the house and league and probably area 
"Chicks dig the trip 4" -Randy Pederson
2 weeks ago i shot 298 with a 7 10 it was weird because it was a little high flush and the 4 pin was but fell
Kiall Hill
Visionary test staff
I left a "Big Four" for a 296. Doh!
I've always heard that leave called "The LILY". I think it is a reference to the ball being "dead" when it hits. Lillies have always been associated with dead people, haven't they?
Norm Duke was right
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What does anything have to do with Walter Ray? He's the greatest of all time. Why would I think I was as good as the best of all time? Please tell me where I stated that. You think an 8-10 in the pocket is a good shot, now you are saying the 5-7-10 was a bad break because the guy had the first 11, he must be good. Having the first 11 is a great feat, but why don't you ask the guy if he thought his 5-7-10 was a good shot? And storm, you stated your opinion, I stated mine, I am allowed, correct? If I'm not allowed to disagree with you, please let me know. You stated you've been bowling 13 years, and somehow that has made you some sort of expert? An 8-10 is the second worst pocket leave behind the 5-7-10. The 3rd worst is the 5-7. I stink, I miss too many spares, but that doesn't change the fact that an 8-10 is a weak hit, not a bad break. Did we hijack this thread???? Sorry guys!!!

But I concede, you win Storm. An 8-10 is good shot, and now a 5-7-10 is also a good shot. Good luck with those.
But getting back on topic, 297 is still a great game. And the 12th shot is always a toughie, no matter how many times you have done it, the knees still have that slight jelly feel to them!