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Author Topic: Sour grapes  (Read 1541 times)


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Sour grapes
« on: November 06, 2004, 07:28:27 PM »
This post is probably going t sound like sour grapes to most of you, especially the younger bowlers.  The guys that have been around the game a while will probably understand.

A while back Sawbones stated he was going to take a year off of bowling.  Bob Hanson recently remarked he wasn’t entering the Masters anymore despite making the top 64 just a couple of years ago.

It seems more and more of our older competitors are giving up the game.  I know in just my area most of the higher average seniors aren’t even bowling senior leagues anymore.  Personally I’ve dropped from 5 leagues down to 2 part time leagues, dropped from 2-3 tournaments a month down to zero.

The latest edition of the ABC book might have the explanation why the game isn’t fun anymore.

In 2003 we had 1,578,374 members.

Total honor scores:  115,708

For you gamblers, that’s odd of 13.64% to 1.  Not too shabby.

Guess it’s just a matter of perspective.  I used to feel it was unrealistic to expect to shoot a honor score.  

Today if you don’t throw one, its just a wasted night of bowling.

To those of you who haven't earned one yet, hang in there, its just a matter of time.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Spending the kids inheritance one tournament at a time.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones



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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2004, 08:36:44 AM »
Forgive my naivety, but if everyone can everage 200 with todays equipment/lane conditions. Then why aren't they?

Its not as if were using different equipment or anything. We all have access to the same equipment and all play on the same lanes/conditions. But I get the impression that some people feel others have an advantage?

Perhaps its because I havent been bowling long, and im only a 'young-un'. Or the game might not have reached the same level over in my part of the world as yours. But I still look forward to my league every week and will be signing up for another league or 2 next summer (about an hours drive away). I just wish it was more popular.


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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2004, 08:48:52 AM »
Being one of the "seniors", I have to agree with Sr and Bones. Although I am looking forward to joining a new league next season, when I hit the half a century mark. We have a Brunswick Seniors Shootout here in the area, where you bowl 4 on a pair, individual points per match/set, quarterly. Top 16 sets for the night go to match play, where monies are awarded weekly as well. Fantastic competition, friendly spirited ribbing, and a chance to be with peers.

Other than that league I may continue in the 4 man scratch (individual points per game), and maybe go sub for a league I've been in for many many years. Too many people can "buy a game" rather than learn the game.
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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2004, 09:13:16 AM »
Understand where SrK and 'Bones  are coming from.  I'm not exactly in their age range being 55 and still bowl quite a few tourneys and bowl 3 leagues a week one Sr. scratch and two 5 man hdcp. leagues.  I like the competition and see how I stack up against the younger guys.  

I think what the older guys are saying is that it used a be a game first of accuracy then power.  Not it's NOT a game of accuracy unless bowling on a flatter/tougher pattern.  

It's about equipment NOT technique.  Look at the amount of posts on BR and I wager to guess that equipment questions/advice run 10 to 1 over technique questions/advice.  

In my climate, I can't golf year around so I have to do something in the fall/winetr and spring doesn't come til late April.    



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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2004, 09:15:29 AM »
I have been bowling for over a year and half and am still not averageing 200. I look forward to that not that i haven't bowled a 200 or more my current average is only 151! So that tells me I still have alot of work to do inspite of the many different balls i have. Maybe my two hundred will come from my new Blueberry or AU79.

Harry--IMO it higher scores/average won't come from new balls it will come from technique and good coaching.  Start making all your makeable spares and you'll be averaging 170 in no time.



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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2004, 09:30:47 AM »
Pretty much true 'Bones about the tech part of golf vs. bowling.  As I am a clubmar I disagree some what about new clubs being easier to hit than the old blades we use to use.  I do agree with you about buying K-Mart blue light specials and a great skilled player can paly them as well as his new TM's.  

Low COR <coefficient of restitution> drivers, high volume drivers, utility/hybrid clubs, high MOI putters, cavity back irons, spined and aligned shafts, low spin 2 piece balls... I don't need to go on but all of these factors have made golf as a game a bit easier.  

It's still way harder a game to master than bowling.



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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2004, 09:43:36 AM »
H--Glad to hear how it's going.  Balls still aren't the answer but everybody's looking for a quick fix IMO.

Find a great certified coach to work out the kinks technique issues if you're serious and you won't be buying all those balls.  Better $ spent.



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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2004, 10:05:05 AM »
Question on your stats...

Said Total Honor Scores was 115,708...was this total honor scores shot or was it how many members shot honor scores?

If it is total honor scores then your percentage is off as it doesn't account for multiple honor scores.

I think the whole argument of bowling becoming too easy and not challenging enough or whatever is a weak argument at best.

Who cares how many honor scores someone shoots?
Who cares who averages what, where??

Concentrate on your game and don't worry about the others and all that.  Want competition........go hit the Regional Circuit....Megabucks..World Team Challenge, Team USA just to name a few.  

Don't let "bowling" challenge u.......go challenge bowling......

To me league is time to have a bit of fun, socialize, and enjoy.  I could care less how many 300's and 800's are shot. I will shake each person's hand who shoots one and offer a great job to them. (Now a "Classic" or Travel or AllStar League is a bit different...should be tough to challenge the talent assembled..)

Stop whining.....stop complaining about others, about how easy it is.....and as we say in my league..

Shut the *&)+ up and bowl....;-))

My humble two cents...
My personal savior is common sense.
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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2004, 10:15:36 AM »
Scotts, I met Harry for the first time a week ago and he is a real and kind gentleman. He and I made a ball trade. I didn't look that close at his span, but I did have him put his thumb in one of my balls and the span was just a wee bit short for him. Probably 1/8" short. I didn't check his hand in one of his balls, but I did measure the one I got from him and his span measures 3/8" longer than my span.

What I am leading to here is that a coach is a great thing, but if the ball fit is not right, then a coach won't help as much as it would with a proper fitted ball.

Harry, I wish you would come to Edmond one time to Anne Marie Duggan's pro shop and have her check your present span and tell her to measure you as if you have never had a bowling ball. I did this and I now have the most comfortable fitting balls I have ever had and my average and scores are beginning to return to the levels they were at 18 mos. ago before I had major surgery and then went into an 18 month slump. I may be wrong, but without looking at your span and pitches closer, I really feel that your span is too long. Message me if you need to.
Retired and bowling on Fixed Income

Edited on 11/7/2004 11:16 AM
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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2004, 06:00:13 PM »
Brick--You did understand where I was coming from didn't you?  A good coach should be able to check your equipment as well as HELP you move farther forward than picking up one new/used ball after another to "fix" your game.

Don't we see it time after time here on BR that so and so is going to get the next new hook in a box and that will make him/her be a star?????  

Good coaching is well worth it more so than a new ball IMO.  

Anne Marie is a great place to start...why not start there with finding a good coach or better yet maybe she will teach???

BTW--I knew her Dad as I bowled a 2nd shift league in So. Cal. in the 70's as did he.



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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2004, 06:30:45 PM »
Some people talk about dropping leagues .. if they drop,them due to COST .. I understand. It is costly to bowl 3/4 leagues a week! However if they drop them because they can't keep up with the competition .. SHAME ON YOU! I bowl with a LOT of bowlers that BEAT me .. but when I finish the game THEY know they HAD TO BOWL TO WIN! What more can I ask! If you are being beaten by a LOT OF PINS .. you have only yourself to blame. If they have BETTER EQUIPMENT .. then you get better equipment .. IF you loose TRY HARDER!

When the SPIRIT goes .. GIVE IT UP .. Don't complain and try to get everyone else to follow you ... just gently FADE AWAY! OTHERWISE .. GET IN THERE AND FIGHT!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2004, 09:37:50 PM »
Right there is the problem. Sure there is a higher ratio of award scores to number of games bowled today than ever before. And sure more individuals are shooting mulipul award scores than ever before. You can manipulate at the numbers all you want... but the issue here is that it is substantially easier for ALL bowlers to achieve award scores and IF you have a specific style of game (flinger) you have an extra ordinarly greater opportunity.

Sure we can debate and argue the semantics and politics of why everyone is not averaging 200 but are still faced with the facts that the averages of all bowlers is up 20 pins in the last 20 years... and that highest national league averages are now in the 260's up 30 pins and 96%+ of ALL records have been broken in the past 5 years.

Is this a reason for some bowlers to quit? You bet. Is this a major reason.. perhaps. I would like to say if bowlers are quiting because of it then it is a major problem wether or not it attributes to a high percentage of lost bowlers.

All we can do is hope that the powers that be can lead this sport into a direction that can restore respect within its ranks or else the attrition will continue. Bowling propriaters are at the mercy of how bowlers want to participate and if they want to open play then they have to provide that means to keeps its doors open. It is the clearly the responsibility of the orgranization to create and maintain intrest for itself becuase we cant rely on propriaters to do anything beyond the easiest thing to get the money.

It appears the BPAA is taking on at least the lions share of the responsibility of maintaing and increasing interest in organized bowling. I applaud there attempts and will support them anyway that I can. And all of us should too, our sport needs us.

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Re: Sour grapes
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2004, 08:24:12 AM »
115708 / 1578374 = 7.3%

If only one honor score per year allowed, 1 out of 13.64 bowlers would get one.  Since that's not so, it's probably 1 in 25, maybe less.

Most bowlers will still never get an honor score.

It's the guys who get one a month that are the problem.
Cogito ergo bowl