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Author Topic: Span Change  (Read 2084 times)


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Span Change
« on: May 05, 2003, 09:31:12 PM »
Hello All,
  I was wandering what the benefits are if any to shortening your span a small amount. My current ball driller does it the old fashioned way were it is pretty much to the max. I was looking for some input from people who have went to a shorter span. Did it seem to help your game( revs,contol,etc) or was it just because it was more comfortable. I was considering trying it one one ball but wanted to get the opinions of some of the people here which I value very much. Any help is always appreciated.

Thanks, cooksey
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Re: Span Change
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2003, 12:59:44 PM »
I had my span shortened about an 1/8 earlier this year and I have found many benefits. The most important thing to me is its just more comfortable. It also allows me to hold the ball and not "grip" it and last but not least, I can get more turn and revs on the ball with my span shorter.

I would recommend doing this to one ball and trying it out. Then if you like it, have all yours balls changed so everything feels the same.

Good luck..

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Re: Span Change
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2003, 01:46:00 PM »
there has been many posts about this just search back a few months in drilling and layout section and maybe misc.

I have shorten my span changed pitches a few time over the fall/winter. I best I have found is a CLT drilling. (Center line transfer) with the proper span and pitches. I found span/pitches to be somewhat trial and error. I have stuck with my first fitting and may tweek it some next year.

I believe Leftside has posted Bill Taylors methods for determine thumb pitches.

Once you have a ball fitted with a CLT method you won't go back to a T-Grip again.

Check to see if your pro knows what a CLT Fitting is. Brain Omara(sp) and Leftside should be able to give you all the info you need.

As a added bonus My hand has not hurt( tendons in the back of the hand) once since going to this fitting. as note, my old T-grip layout was fit perfectly.

Edited on 5/6/2003 1:54 PM
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