Thankfully balance hasn't been a tremendous issue with me, even though I'm a big guy.
But this past week, I was having problems keeping the ball on line to my target, so I started consciously "posting" the shot. And I jumped 70 pins the last game.
Now, I'm not going to get that kind of improvement if I post every shot of every game, and my ability to post a shot depends partially on whether my tired knees want to get involved in the process on that given night. But it helped Tuesday.
My issue Tuesday was I was cutting off the arm swing. I was being tentative because I was (a) on one of our house's tougher pairs and (b) my ball reaction was about as bad as it's been in a month. Posting the shot forced me to follow all the way through and make sure my hand opened correctly through release. It also helped with my timing, because when I post, if I'm doing anything wrong in the timing department it will become very apparent, very quickly what exactly I'm doing wrong.