You have to be careful when you tell a driller cut-cut as to two different drillers where I live, it means two different things.
1. This driller measures from the edge of the drilled slug in thumb hole (this is after the slug has been inserted) to the edge of fingerholes before the grips are inserted.
2. This driller measures from the edge of the thumb hole that is drilled to receive a slug (but slug has not been yet inserted) to the edge of finger holes before grips are inserted.
Thus, if you tell both drillers you want your cut-cut span to be 4", then after your thumb slug is put in and also drilled, you will end up with a 1/8" longer span with driller #2 above.
Now, if you don't use a thumb slug, the span from both drillers will be the same.
Therefore, if you order from these "on line" Pro Shops, be sure you understand how that particular shop measures and drills the cut-cut.
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