To All,
I spoke with Bruce today, and he has a concern that ALL of us can, and should help with. Understand that having fun is great, but some threads are getting out of hand since the removal of the no swearing etc... I believe that all of here can post without the graphic crudeness that has appeared lately. Yes, it does not have to be read, BUT it is by some, and some of younger ages.
This is Bruce's site, and he graciously extends it to us free of charge, so why don't we try to make an effort to watch what we post and how. I would hate to see this site disappear because of the trash that some have allowed to get out of hand, because of noone being able to monitor regularly. This site does not need the swearing and explicit sex talk, at least these could be eliminated.
Those that feel they NEED to do this, or should be free to do it, are wrong. It is like borrowing someone's car and leaving your trash in it, not putting gas back in, and allowing the body to be damaged. PLEASE, let's make a sincere effort to use what Bruce has loaned us wisely, respectfully, fairly, and still have fun! I am sure that this can be done, and that we can still keep this site fun. Hope to see some suggestions, and Bruce did not know I was postin this, I just sensed in his voice the frustration of the Clone users and he inplied his feeling of unapproval for the trash that has gotten out of hand. Thanks to all who read this with a open mind and heart!
If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted!!