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Author Topic: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..  (Read 772 times)


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Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« on: February 06, 2006, 11:41:34 PM »
First of all, I average 220 and 212 in my 2 THS leagues and 196 in my traveling league so I basically know what I am doing as far as adjusting on the lanes and such but I am not that great with the technical side of things.. I have not changed anything with my span for years and maybe its that time. I am getting older (44 this year) and maybe my hand is not as flexable as it once was. I know there are alot of people on here with vast knowledge of this and I am asking for some help!! Last night I felt like I was using someone else's equipment!!

It seems like lately I have been having problems clearing the thumbhole (every once in awhile I bounce the ball like a basketball when releasing) on my ball and I am thinking about changing my pitches. I also found out my span is about 1/8 short according to my pro shop guy. He has drilled me dozens of balls the past year but I just had him copy my span since everything seemed ok.. Just to add this to everything. My thumb is not very flexable at all..

My present span is 4 and 4 1/8th and my thumb pitches are 1/16 to the palm and 1/16 under. I am thinking of leaving the 1/16 to the palm alone and going to 1/16 away to help me clear the thumb better...

Then I am not sure what to do on the span.. Should I leave it a bit short or go ahead and change it as well?? Whats the disadvantges of a short span? Maybe thats causing me to hang onto the ball too long..

ANY and all comments would be appreciated..
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Edited on 2/7/2006 8:30 AM
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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2006, 07:51:01 AM »
As far as bouncing the ball I have started doing that some in recent years. For me it is more pronounced on synthetics than wood lanes and I believe the structure under the lanes is some of the cause of this.

But I feel most of the bounce is my inability to get low at the line as my knees are going bad and the fact that I tend to hit up on the ball still.

I’m in the camp that a slightly short span doesn’t hurt. I’m sure my span would be considered to short by many. With my thumb and laying my fingers over the finger holes my first knuckle crease goes to the back of the holes. My hand is pretty stiff and I also have ½” reverse in my fingers.

But I would want anyone’s span to go half way across the hole. Too long can/will hurt you physically but short will not unless you put your fingers in past the first knuckle.

Doug Sterner

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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2006, 07:57:22 AM »
OK Jim so what I am reading here is that you have basically 1/16 right and 1/16 forward in the thumbhole now. You are considering a change to 1/16 reverse and keeping the 1/16 right.

Do I have this right?

If this is the case your current "short" span is going to feel even shorter with the addition of the reverse pitch in the thumb.

When you say you are "basketballing" it now and then are you losing it at the bottom and dropping it or are you hanging onto it? You say you are having trouble clearing the thumbhole but normally I basketball it when I drop it.

Also do you feel any pressure anywhere in particular in your grip? Just asking to see if there may be any tell tale signs of a span need.

The tendency for a bowler with a short span is to grab the ball so it may very well be contributing to your problem.

TO me the simplest change to make would be to drill out your old slug and put in a new one with a new pitch (if that's possible for you...some guys with the 1-1/6" thumbs can't do that...he he) and see if that helps. If it doesn't you are only out a slug and it can be readily fixed with a new one.

Keep us informed!!!!!
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2006, 08:01:03 AM »
Doug, thanks for taking the time to comment..

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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2006, 08:25:13 AM »
I read you were thinking of going lateral out???  or
and leaving reverse forward pitch the same.

1/16 forward is a very standard pitch for that span length.

To hold on a little more a little more forward may not hurt.

However if hanging a touch more bevel in the front of hole.

Might even want to start with this!

Most people with today's more relaxed spans are looking at the last joint about 1/8 inch to 3/16 of an inch past the middle of the fingerholes...not quite to the back.



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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2006, 08:37:43 AM »
I tend to agree with Doug, but I would add that you consider either: 1) getting rid of any lateral pitch in the thumb, or 2) possibly pitching the thumb away from the palm slightly. I'm not a driller (I play one on the web ), but I believe the left lateral thumb pitch (for righties) is helpful if you lack flexibility in your thumb. It allows a more natural hand position.

If you reverse pitch the thumb, then I would add a little span, which could be done using the slug. Not sure if you need the thumb reversed, though, particularly if you're concerned about dropping the ball. Reverse thumb pitch requires more hand strength.

As for the bouncing, I don't necessarily disagree with anything anyone has said, but my personal opinion, put simply, is that the bottom of your swing is too low. Hanging on to the ball too long is not a likely cause of that. Instead, like some have mentioned, your posture at the foul line is the key to not hitting the floor before you'd like. Make sure your back is straight and knees are bent.

Another possibility on the bouncing is that your wrist position is weakening as you go through your swing. The ball is dropping--not because it is coming off your fingers--but because your wrist isn't strong enough to keep the ball in a strong wrist position. A wrist brace may be in order in this case.

I'm most likely to hit the floor when I'm trying to aim too hard, versus just going through my normal motions. I drop my shoulder trying to place the ball exactly where I want it.

My two cents,

Edited on 2/7/2006 1:47 PM