A couple of years ago, I began using a plastic ball for spares. Took a while to gain confidence with the plastic, but it seemed to work well with 10 pins. Began using it with other non sleeper spares. I have worked very hard with it and got to making about 95% of my spares. Recently watched an old Norm Duke video and he suggested a backup ball at right side spares. I tried it this week and was surprised. I am able to use my strike ball to pick up 10 pins and for the first time in a few years, I can consistently pick up the 3-10. Has anyone else tried to use the backup ball vs plastic to pick up spares? My spare shooting hasn't seemed to suffer much. Like with a plastic ball, I only miss when I lose focus, i.e. thinking about my first ball instead of my spare.
Old Man Still Learning
300's - 4
800's - 3 (High 814x2)
Hi Avg 218
Cur Ave 214
Former Stroker (Plastic and uerathane)
Tweener-Cranker (Reactive)