Been there - done that. I bowled a tournament last year where during the 10 game qualifying round I missed 12 easy spares. A few combinations, but mostly wiffs. I was working on throwing straight at spares (something new for me), and refused to give it up. After the first couple of misses I was actually feeling fear at the line when staring at a spare, and I think that contributed to the remainder. What hurt the most was even with that, I barely missed the cut and ended up alternate. Now THAT HURTS! Happy ending? Someone dropped out during the second game of match play due to injury, I bowled great the next 14, and pulled 'us' from 16th up to 8th at the end of match play. I missed only ONE makeable spare during match play. Needless to say, I went back to my old way and gave up the straight stuff, and haven't attempted it again. Sometimes you miss a couple and things can spiral out of control. So much of this sport is mental. Once you reach a certain level, it's 80% mental.