First of all a quick Hi to everyone, feels like Ive been away a long time.
Ive been having a few problems of late with my spare game (4 months). Well single and double pins to be more exact.
I have a storm soccer ball and Im finding my accuracy with it is well, preety poor.
Last night I finally gave up on it and went to an old Columbia Red Pulse which I was using with an up the back release to keep it straight as I try with my Soccer ball.
Accuracy was as good as my strike ball, which has been my saving grace over the last few months.
Result 2 clean games and 4 opens in the other 2.( 1w/o, 2 split)
Now my question. This was on fresh oil and I found it easy to keep the Pulse straight, however when the lanes dry out I may have trouble doing this. So I was thinking of getting a urethane ball to replace the soccer ball, which I could also use for patchy lanes.
I think my problem with the soccer ball is the feel in my hand. Not that its drilled differently (driller checked) just that I have very dry hands and the ball seems to slip and slide during my release.
Anyone have similar problems and which ball would you suggest. Im leaning towards the XXL as I cant get an old Pink Hammer which would have been my first chioce.(thicker cover better roll)
Sorry for the long post, but Ive really been suffering you know

Happy go lucky bowler from the UK

Did someone say tough luck