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Author Topic: Speaking of House shots?  (Read 1596 times)

The Hose

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Speaking of House shots?
« on: January 28, 2004, 07:52:33 AM »
I had no idea what kind of shot our machine put down until last night.  I saw a graph when the checked the lanes.  I don't know anything about this so I hope you can follow me.

Or house has always been an easy house to get to the pocket, but the carry is a little suspect.  

The graph showed on both sides:  6 to 9 units of oil from the 1st to the 10 board, give or take a few units.  From 12 to 12, it showed 20 units.  As I recall, the manager told me that it only read 20 units, so there may have been more.  This was about the same to 34 ft.   Pretty easy if you ask me.

Do you know what your house runs?


The Hose

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Re: Speaking of House shots?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2004, 07:25:09 AM »
No one?!


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Re: Speaking of House shots?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2004, 07:41:44 AM »
If 12 to 12 really only has 20 units I would think this would be a fairly tough shot by today’ standards. That is only about a 3:1 ratio. It would seem to me the heads would break down pretty quickly.

The old house I use to bowl at, the tape and graph the proprietor used wouldn’t really register over about 25 units. These were old beat up wood lanes with about the same ratio as you stated in your house and he used an old lane machine that couldn’t lay down more than about 25 units with 2 passes. The shot was easy at the start of first shift but with 5 person teams it didn’t take long for the lane pattern to start to breakdown. By the third game of the first shift and all thru the second shift you would need to move about every 3 frames chasing the oil. The shot eventually ended up as a tube shot where if you got outside the track area you could get a hang spot.

The easier houses in town (with synthetics) generally had 70 to 100 units in the middle and the heads didn’t go as fast. Many of the bowlers from those houses struggled when they came in because they were not use to adjusting so fast and so much. They were always accusing the proprietor of running a sport shot but it wasn’t even close.  


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Re: Speaking of House shots?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2004, 12:00:07 PM »
Sawbones – While this seems logical if the cat gets out of the bag that the house is doing it then all heck breaks loose. Both will perceive the other side as having an advantage provided by the lane man.

The lefties will complain saying the right side is now walled up more than their side. Their side will be too slick or too dry and by themselves they will be unable to change the condition.

The righties will complain saying they are starting out too slick or there is too much carrydown or etc, etc, etc.

With the same pattern on both sides they will still both complain but at each other because they feel the other side has it to easy.


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Re: Speaking of House shots?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2004, 12:06:21 PM »
Our house has a christmas tree pattern.  I don't know how many units, but it's oiled in increments down the lane to 40 feet - 10 to 10, 12 to 12, 14 to 14.  Our house has a fair amount of oil, but it's easy to find the pocket with this shot.


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Re: Speaking of House shots?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2004, 12:13:35 PM »
our house has gone reverse block with clean backends for the last three weeks during our leagues sessions......after going with an easy christmas tree pattern w/o clean backends...for myself harder conditions make the game more challenging and more fun....but you do hear a lot of complaining...oh well.


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Re: Speaking of House shots?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2004, 12:48:41 PM »
I couldn't tell you what either of my houses put down before either league, but the common nickname is "Chef's Surprise."
White Dot
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Re: Speaking of House shots?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2004, 03:31:31 PM »
I'm not sure to tell you the truth.  I asked what they put out about 2 years ago and was told it was 55-60 units in the middle run 36', buffed to 40'.  I was talking to the manager a few weeks ago asking about sport and tougher shots in general.  He said he'd like to (but probably won't because of the THB whiners) but their tape machine can't read over 20 units.  So unless they want a very light sport shot, they couldn't verify it.  They guess, have the laneman throw a few shots, and adjust the machine if necessary.  One house runs the same thing all the time, the other is always tweaking.
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Re: Speaking of House shots?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2004, 03:54:12 PM »
our house has gone reverse block with clean backends for the last three weeks during our leagues sessions......after going with an easy christmas tree pattern w/o clean backends...for myself harder conditions make the game more challenging and more fun....but you do hear a lot of complaining...oh well.

In general, it seems bowlers complain about lane conditions regardless of what the lane conditions are.
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