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Author Topic: Speed Control???  (Read 614 times)


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Speed Control???
« on: March 19, 2009, 03:57:35 AM »
So last week at league i had quite the mind boggling night. i have some ideas about what happened but would love some input. Here's what happened: first game after 10 min of practice i was lined up perfect i went 9/ and the next 4 strikes 9/ then all of a sudden the ball just kept blowing past the break point. Not just on one lane though. On both lanes, so at first i thought maybe its a little carry down so i switch from my rapid fire to my dimension and then the dimension did the exact same thing. i didnt feel myself throwing the ball faster. i hit my mark, the release felt good, my balance was good. i just could not figure out what happened to my line. Do you think it was a speed problem if so, any tips on how to regulate my speed better? any input would be great thanks guys



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Re: Speed Control???
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2009, 09:47:10 AM »
This also happens to me regularly. In my case, I know it's a speed problem because we have recorded speeds on our monitor. I found that at the beginning of the match,  as my arm is not completely warmed up, my speed is lower but as the match goes on, my arm gets stronger and my speed increases. The way I correct this problem is:
1- Either bring my speed down by holding the ball lower at address
2- Or move my feet 1-2 boards to the right
3- Or change ball

Hope this helps



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Re: Speed Control???
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2009, 09:56:09 AM »
The line you were playing had burned up and your ball was losing too much energy (rolling out) and not making it back to the pocket...that's why you got the same reaction when you went with a stronger ball.

Two options...#1-go to a weaker ball and play the same line, or #2-use same ball and chase the oil to the left (if your right handed).

That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!