Agree with JohnP. A ball like Track's desert heat, Roto Grip's Mercury, or maybe a polished Saturn, Visionary's Slate Blue Gargoyle....but only if it's really, really dry...would seem to be your best answer. It also depends upon how many bowling balls you can carry with you. I've been carrying six...which is silly but....that way I can carry a heavy oil, medium heavy oil, medium, medium light, light, and spare so I'm covered against almost anything. I know I won't need the heavy oiler and probably not the light either, but I've got them, just in case. Today I've decided to give my Tracks a rest and have loaded up my Roto Grips....Epic Battle, Epic, Horizon, Saturn, Mercury, and Roto Grip's Spare Tire (brand new...can't wait to try it...that's the real reason I've put my Track's away for a week!). And, on Thursday night, I'll probably only use the Spare Tire and Horizon...maybe the Epic the first game. So it goes.