You have some options depending on just how dry the lanes are. If they're truly burnt and everything hooks too much, plastic may be your best option. However, there are other ways to do it.
Moving in and chasing the oil isn't your A game, but you need to have more than just an A game to be a good all-around bowler. It might be a good idea to work with a coach on how to get more comfortable moving in deeper and hooking it more when the lanes call for it. You may have to change your approach, swing, and release compared to playing more down and in or using just a small belly shot outside.
My personal best looks when the lanes start drying out (which isn't very often in my current leagues, actually) are moving left with a strong ball and keeping the ball in the oil as much as possible, or staying a little further right and using a weak hand position with a little more speed. (Lowering your rev rate and getting the ball to tumble down the lane can help control the breakpoint but still retain some energy)
Here's a great example. Walter Ray Williams Jr. vs Norm Duke, when Duke shot a 300. There was some friction out there, and WRW moved in and hooked it, Duke took hand out of the ball and played the extreme outside edge of the lane. (part 1) (part 2)