ryan24: I admire the fact that you know what you want as far as a sponsorship. However you are going about this in the wrong way. I've learned that through the years the best way to go about things is through study, observation and asking the right questions.
When you've wanted money through your life from your parents, did you state your need in this way:
"I want 10 dollars." or "I need 10 dollars."
When the way to go about things is in this manner:
"What can I do for you to earn 10 dollars?" or "How I may I earn 10 dollars?"
So to me, if you want a sponsorship in any way shape or form, you need to ask better questions. Are there any particular professional bowlers in your area that you see on a consistent basis? Find a way to interview them and ask questions about how they went about things to obtain their goals.
Good luck in your sponsorship wishes and keep us posted on your progress.
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