I like the idea of having a more uniformed type of pattern for the typical leagues. A 300 would be a better feat, along with a 700. I personally have not had either, I've only shot a 299, & a 697, but I know of certian houses that there a quite a few bowlers who average 210-230, but take those bowlers to a tournament, and they bowl worse than me & my 190 average. If people want to bring back respect & dignity to the game I think there should be some type of a uniformed pattern or patterns.
There is a drawback to set patterns, some bowlers would not want to return to that house, but in my opinoin it would be beneficial. My mens league team changed houses due to the new ownership. They were given 1 year, but did nothing impressive to keep my team. The previous owners made the leagues feel that they were part of a family, in fact I know that an entire league changed houses due to the owners also. I personally think that there is more to a person, team, or league staying at a perticular house than just the shot that is put on the lanes every week. If an owner wants to increase revenue, than make some changes! Fix the air handlers on the roof instead of using 6 foot fans, upgrade the lanes, make the necessary repairs, try to change the clientel that frequents the lanes( gang bangers, trouble makers), make sure that the staff is friendly and competent. I knows that these things may seem far fetched, but it takes money to make money, tap those credit lines. These are some of the ways I know of to keep bowlers from leaving, & even attract new bowlers.
I could probably go on for a while, but for now you get the picture. Sorry for my ramblings and mis-spellings, as this is just the way I feel.
Thanks for reading,
MMMMMMMM, Spoiled Eggs.........AaaaarghAaaaargh.......(drooling)
Edited on 6/29/2004 3:23 AM