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Author Topic: Sport or Entertainment?  (Read 2532 times)


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Sport or Entertainment?
« on: December 20, 2017, 03:11:37 PM »
The reason I ask this is because many people seem to attribute the dwindling number of league and competitive bowlers to there simply being more entertainment options for one to choose for an evening in our modern day. I am under the impressions that back in the "glory days"...talking 60's, 70's and to an extent the 80's, bowling seemed to be mainly viewed as sport and competition and not just another option to fill a Friday night. People back then from what I remember seemed to be into the competition of the event and the sport aspect it(but also the socializing aspect of it, I know) moreso than an evening's entertainment.  it is not just the numbers dwindling, but I have personally seen a decline in competitive bowlers...decent bowlers...190's and better that no longer bowl..surely they must have viewed it as sport rather than entertainment.  Just curious as to what everybody's personal thoughts are on this.




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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2017, 03:29:25 PM »
I won’t go into all of the complications, but as anybody can see with all things factored, it’s CLEARLY more entertainment, and it’s not even close unfortunately.


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2017, 03:33:38 PM »
If you look back at bowlings  listed heyday when everyone bowled from office teams,  church groups, men and women,  families etc why would people assume it was more competitive?

It was very much social then. Many wish to remember half board adjustments and everyone playing off the one board. Video of history shows otherwise.
Ignite your game, and set the lanes on fire.  or @ignite_bowling


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2017, 03:44:44 PM »
If you look back at bowlings  listed heyday when everyone bowled from office teams,  church groups, men and women,  families etc why would people assume it was more competitive?

It was very much social then. Many wish to remember half board adjustments and everyone playing off the one board. Video of history shows otherwise.

Agree on the social aspect being more important than the sport aspect even back in the day.  Hell some of my first memories are playing with a Viewmaster toy in the bowling alley day care (as parents bowled in league) because I didn't have one at home (fancy toy for late 1970s).  Going to the bowling alley was a big social event of the week for whole families back then.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 03:48:25 PM by HackJandy »
Kind of noob when made this account so take advice with grain of salt.


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2017, 03:55:43 PM »
It can be both, but league bowling is mostly a social event.
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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2017, 04:00:33 PM »
I still view it more as a sport in my little world.  However, based on the time I spend on it and the lack of progress I should be looking at it as more entertainment.  It is just hard to try and just enjoy myself when the final frames come up and we have a chance to pull out the win.

And I feel most would say it is entertainment.  However, if you go to a tournament (city or state for example) with friends and try to have fun, what do you call it?  Does one's view change based on the outcome?  I went to have fun at state and thought I won state all-events.  At that moment it was definitely a sport in my eyes since I thought I won.  However, I was one pin below the open division (injury the previous year) after never not being in the open division and finished 3rd in the next lower division.  My team captain didn't even notice it.  I had to convince myself it was fun and entertaining or else I would have punched a wall.


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2017, 04:06:41 PM »
When in doubt about if something is a sport I tend to consult the George Carlin canon in which case the requirement of the possibility to do grave bodily harm to other competitors legally means it automatically fails at step one.
Kind of noob when made this account so take advice with grain of salt.


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2017, 04:10:16 PM »
You can be competitive on any league or tournament even if it's still an overall social experience. You want to win,  shoot 900, 800, 300 etc but to what degree it's competitive can very by bowler and by team.

It can be both.  Not either or. Some maybe more then others. Many feel that it's not competitive unless it's scratch,  on a sport condition , with life or death consequences.  USBC almost seems to feed the idea of sport vs game.

People don't need you(usbc)  telling them what their sport is or isn't. It's what you make of it.
Ignite your game, and set the lanes on fire.  or @ignite_bowling


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2017, 04:31:53 PM »
When in doubt about if something is a sport I tend to consult the George Carlin canon in which case the requirement of the possibility to do grave bodily harm to other competitors legally means it automatically fails at step one.

And that's why I always considered lawn darts to be a sport!!!
In the bag:  900 Global Zen, Hy Road Pearl, Astro Physix.

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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2017, 06:42:10 PM »
Another big factor was cable TV. Up until the early 80's you basically had half a dozen or so channels to choose from. Cable opened a huge door for "cheap" entertainment.


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2017, 10:21:11 PM »
At a competitive level it’s a sport. At a recreational level it’s entertainment.

Just like Golf, volleyball, softball, basketball, (insert any other sport with local leagues here).


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2017, 09:34:36 AM »
At a competitive level it’s a sport. At a recreational level it’s entertainment.

Just like Golf, volleyball, softball, basketball, (insert any other sport with local leagues here).

I agree 100%

When I'm not on my "A game" it's entertainment for everyone else...


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2017, 09:50:41 AM »
Bowling a long-format tournament or the WSOB and having to endure physically and mentally = sport

Bowling 3 games of league and drinking beer = entertainment

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what it is, just do it because you like it...just don't be the guy in league talking about your "accomplishments in the sport" while struggling to break 180 on THS because the laneman has made the shot impossible.


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2017, 10:32:25 AM »
This is a never ending debate with no real answer.

I bowl 2 leagues, one is an individual "challenge pattern" league (60 to 70 bowlers depending on the year) and one is a THS league.

In the challenge league we use 5 patterns throughout the season with varying levels of difficulty, I would consider that to be a "sport", not only because of the patterns, but because of the level of competition and the fact it is a singles league.

The THS league to me is more entertainment, I try just as hard in both leagues but I'll have a few beers during this league and good or bad, I have the same amount of fun with my friends.  I still want to win, but I don't stress or obsess over winning or losing.

It is whatever you want to make of it, in the same THS league, some take it as serious as I take my challenge league so to them, that league is a sport.


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Re: Sport or Entertainment?
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2017, 01:33:44 PM »
Its both. You in theory want to lure then in with entertainment cosmic, bowling for small amounts of cash by knocking over colored pins extra. Hopefully some of them decide to try a league, and hopefully some of them catch the bowling bug and want to get  better try the more challenging sport leagues and tournaments. Which are more of a sport.

I got my buddy hooked.back in 2011 by getting him to come out for the New years Eve Monte Carlo bowling. He spent the next month practicing and after a little pushing I Told him I needed replacement on my Monday night team..He bowled 205 or something like that his first league game ever.14 pound house ball rental shoes.  Shortly after he brought a ball and shoes he now owns like 12 balls 6 or 7 he uses. 3 pairs of shoes a machine to sand and or resurface his equivalent a oven to soak the oil out of his reactive equipment..He also bowls 3 Leagues a week one of which is a sport league. He even bowls an occasional tournament.

Anyway its both entertainment and sport. Depending on how much time you want to devote to it, and money you want to spend on it.  Usually if you own more then one ball and carry at least 2 With you then you view it as More then entertainment.

If you have a ball shipped to your hotel in Hawaii while on vacation with your wife because you might want to practice at least once chances are you are a bowling Junkie and consider It a sport.,😆

Yes the buddy I mentioned above did that once.I think part of the reason he stayed there was because it was  near a bowling center.,😆