I know the best way of practicing for tournament shots is to get as much practice on them as well as bowling on as many tournament shots as your budget and time allows.
During the 2014-2015 bowling season, the place I've been known to practice at actually put out tournament shots on a couple of pairs occasionally on Wenesday nights since there were no leagues scheduled. I think I might have been among two or three bowlers who welcomed the opportunity. The bowling alley decided it was not worth the extra effort due to lack of interest.
That brings me to another point. Are there any alternatives?
One thing I've done in the absence of actual practice time on tournament shots is use my old school urethane equipment (i.e., Fab Blue Hammer, Fab Burgundy Hammer, Columbia Black U-Dot, Columbia Gold Dot) exclusively. But instead of coming off the corner, I'll move inside and play up the third arrow, forcing me to be accurate as hell: If I miss right by a board, washout or worse. If I miss left, head pin or Brooklyn. Even if I hit the pocket, I better have come out of the ball correctly, have the correct ball speed or I'll leave a urethane 8-10, 5-7, and dare I even say 5-10?
If nothing else, I get a lot of practice shooting spares since they're also my spare ball options.