Since I've been using my X-Factor, I've made more strikes than I think I had my entire 5 months before it arrived! Last night, I start with a 232 and I tell my buddy it's not me, it's the ball. I had a 6 or 7 strike string and the only reason I missed the next one is because the ball slipped out of my hand! How can I take any kind of pride in a score I know wasn't truly because of me? Granted, I had to give a good release and hit my marks, etc., etc., but after that it was just watch the ball turn and trash the deck! It's kind of like my golf game. The best overall year I had was 2 years ago when I was using my Ping Eye2 irons -- barely ever missed a green. They made the game almost too easy. Unfortunately I can't putt, so my scores didn't really drop too much. Anyway, while that was my best ball striking season, I'm more proud of getting my league handicap down to 1 last year using my blades. I may not have hit the ball as well, but I came through when I missed the greens and saved my pars. There was more true skill involved.......Sorry for the ramble -- just having a crisis of conscience.....