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Author Topic: Bowlers Education Seminar - Ron Clifton & Dr Jeff Briggs  (Read 1157 times)


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Bowlers Education Seminar - Ron Clifton & Dr Jeff Briggs
« on: January 30, 2005, 11:32:24 PM »
Special thanks goes out to Dr. Jeff "10 lb." Briggs, Ron "Magic Carpet" Clifton, Mike "the New Guy" Nyitray, Dan "the Bowler" Shore and Jim "Killer Driller" Asbury for another great BES!!  We had quite a few BR members in attendance (please post your experiences!!) -- all good peeps and I hope you got as much from this one as I did!!  I felt I was rolling the ball just great, only to find out I'm a passive little sissy when it comes to throwing a bowling ball!!  Ron pointed this out in May and it's great to know another coach, who's never seen me bowl before, can pick it out, too.  Thanks, Mike!!  I learned how to play the twig and some other drills to play a straighter line, when I have to.  Amazing how we start bowling straight and can't wait to learn the hook to get better.  Then, once we can hook it, we need to learn to bowl straight again to maximize our scoring opportunities!!  Crazy game this bowling!!  I'm also going to be trying out Ron's forward thumb pitch theory (just search the threads).  My driller's going to go bonkers when he sees my new drill sheet and the 3/8" FORWARD thumb pitch I'm trying out!!  Big props to Jim Asbury for drilling so many balls for all of us!!  He got slammed this time around and was way more than accommodating!!  

I could go on and on (and will, if anyone has questions), but this is just such a great experience for the beginning to advanced bowler.  These guys just plain know what they're doing when it comes to coaching and ball drilling.  They don't try to change you, they work with what you bring to help you improve not only your technique, but also your mental game.  I know we had quite a few one day attendees -- if at all possible, next time you come, make it for at least 2 days.  The coaches do try very hard to work with you as much as possible if you're only there for 1 day, but they can do so much more for you with at least one more day -- it'll only help you!!  Sure, you could buy another high end ball for what it costs, but will having that ball teach you to play the twig??

Thanks again guys!!  For me, this was the best one yet!!



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Re: Bowlers Education Seminar - Ron Clifton & Dr Jeff Briggs
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 12:43:07 PM »
The 2 board??  I was out on the 1/2 board baby!!  I did have a blast!!  Maybe the other peeps just can't type until they recover feeling in their fingers?!?!?  Dropped my new drill sheet off at my driller and he's still in shock!!  I think Ron's right -- the driller's are just a little too conservative sometimes!!  I can't even throw my spare ball until it's redrilled -- that 0* pitch is just falling off my hand.....And I didn't give up on our roll-off -- ol' "10 lbs." started bowling and wouldn't let me back on the lane!!  I say we hold the $5'er I owe and we'll call it even after I beat ya' in May!!