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Author Topic: Sport Shot League: 3 Ball Arsenal- Choices...  (Read 740 times)


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Sport Shot League: 3 Ball Arsenal- Choices...
« on: August 17, 2004, 08:19:34 PM »
I may have the chance this fall to bowl a sport shot league for the first time. There is enough interest in the summer league house I bowl in to run it on a first shift Thursdays compared to its normal second shift on Wednesday night (which I couldn't make due to my work schedule). I believe the format of the league dictates a committee that decides on 4 different sport shot patterns that can vary in terms of oil length (from 32 feet to 44 feet) but they are run at 9 week intervals. We are bowling 3 game sets and I believe we stay on the same pair for the 3 games.

I have a 3 ball carrier and I was wondering what choices would you make for a 3 ball arsenal to handle a sport shot? I have plans to get a new heavy oiler and I also have plans to get a Hot Wire replugged and redrilled, everything else that I have is in my profile. I'm also aware that I need to bring my spare I only want to bring 4 balls with me. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.



Urethane Game

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Re: Sport Shot League: 3 Ball Arsenal- Choices...
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 09:25:57 AM »
It really depends on the surface, distance, volume and type of machine applying the oil.  In general, you should choose more rolly control balls over skid flip monsters.  

If you can go with three for the whole season you are better than me.  I didn't really become a ball ho until I started Sport Bowling four years ago.  On the China, many of your balls will give you a similar reaction.  On a Sport Condition, the true characteristics of your ball will become much more evident.

Good Luck!
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