Maybe this is sort of obvious, but if someone is totally new to sport shot, then take your house shot adjustments and forget them.
If you're ball is going high, do not move deeper inside for more oil (because there is no additional oil there). Instead make a parallel move outside.
Likewise if you're coming in light, move inside. The outside isn't super dry like on houseshot.
The rule of taking length of pattern and minus 31 to know you're breakpoint is a good way to have idea where to play. So for 40 foot pattern, you want a break point about 9. 36 foot patter, about 5th board. And so forth. This isn't a perfect rule, but will tell you about where you need to be.
Spares are harder b/c people really use house shot to get huge margin of error for 10 pins. Unless you through it dead straight plastic helps a lot.
Houseshots really train people to make backwards adjustment. And I've seen in my sport shot league sometimes new people join and no matter how much things don't work, they keep on trying house shot strategy.