Many here have some good opinions on this subject, but I actually believe it is more than many realize.
Hurt by resin? That's really a misnomer. Resin didn't really "hurt" anyone, what it did was cause a paradigm shift in what was now the most effective way to play the game.
Rubber, polyester, and even urethane, seemed to work better on modern urethane finished lanes when more power was supplied. This was the advent of the power game.
At this point, the game changed from one of finesse and control, to one of power and strength. The harder playing surface rewarded those whose physical abilities tended toward medium speed, rev dominance, and hitting up through the ball at release. This was deemed as the correct way to bowl, or at least the highest scoring way.
Resin didn't hurt anyone, but it did change this fact. Physically strong, lower speed, higher rev bowlers had lost some of their advantage due to resins ability to capitalize on friction.
Suddenly, people who couldn't generate enough friction with their release, didn't have to because the ball created more simply in its physical makeup.
At first, not many seemed to fully understand what was happening. For a long time, the old ways were still thought of as "correct", and human nature being what it is, those who had been dominant with the power style did not like it one bit that the dominance of "their" style had suddenly been removed by technology. I WAS ONE OF THEM!
Resin didn't "hurt" anyone, but it DID change the way it is done. Some were already predispositioned to take advantage of resin, just like some of us were to take advantage of the power game when it came along.
I'm still decent with resin, but not dominant at all. It is all I can do to keep up with decent guys now, where I could run over people back then.
I've had to make quite a few changes. I've been able to make them better than many, and worse than some.
As weak and cliched as it sounds, it really is as simple as adapt and survive, or don't adapt and die.
When the paradigm shifts, those favored by the changes will be dominant. I had my day, but that day is over, and a new one begun.
Remember, a bad day of bowling is better than a good day at work, right?