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Author Topic: sports illustrated faces in the crowd  (Read 2157 times)


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sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« on: November 04, 2004, 08:16:20 AM »
Did anyone else see that dude in sports illustrates faces in the crowd column for bowling? ALL he did was shot 846 and 2 300's, you can go in the local paper here in detroit and pick out 5 of those a week (sarcasm, but you get the point). how did this guy get in sports illustrated? He didn't even do it in a tournament or on anything special as far as the column said. I know many junior bowlers (they love putting kids in there) that have shot over 10 800's and 10+ 300's, yet this dude from hicksville in west virginia gets in sports illustrated. Guys, am i overreacting to this, or does it seem not fair that some random dude on a house shot shooting 800 gets into sports illustrated?

Guys, my point to this post was why are we celebrating this guys performance over any others. I guess it is because of the 2 300's if you read some of the posts further down. It was not to hate on bowling or the nice man who shot the games. I just didn't understand how it was fair how he got in over any other people, but i guess no one else agrees with me.

Edited on 11/4/2004 5:54 PM

Edited on 11/5/2004 8:05 PM



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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2004, 04:46:51 PM »
2 weeks ago in league we had a kid shoot 2 300's for an 812 series. I've seen it done personally 4 times, i know it is very good, but is it really any better than what many other people around the country are doing on walled up shots?


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2004, 04:53:51 PM »
We've had 2 in my dad's old league in the past 8 years {friday night big shooters league (lot of regional players used to bowl it)}, one i saw at a local tournament, and one i saw 2 weeks ago. Might just be coincidence that they all happened in the same area.


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2004, 05:31:31 PM »
they were all at different centers. The current center i am at does put out a standard wall, no easier or more difficult than any other.


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2004, 07:26:41 AM »
People wonder why there is a lack of interest in league bowling and tournament bowling. It's because people who happen to have achieved anything (no matter how worthless in your eyes) get crapped on instead of being congratulated.

Just thought this needed repeating.


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2004, 07:48:00 AM »

I second your opinions on that statement.. I am so tired of reading on this forum about all the 300's and 800's shot by some of our members and how easy the lanes of today are. Its obvious they could care less about bowling anymore so if the game is so easy to them, why not just quit and let the rest of us enjoy the game..
If they only made a ball that would carry that da_n 7 pin (and I am right handed!!)


Edited on 11/5/2004 8:48 AM
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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2004, 10:52:19 AM »
Hey Stanski

Why are you making fun of West Virginia ( Hicksville)  this state is no diferent than any other state with the house shots being easy !!!!

You want to make fun of bowlers from WV, do you happen to remember a guy from WV by the name of Sam Flanagan !!!


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2004, 01:59:52 PM »
We had a guy stone a 9 in the first frame, flag it, and then throw the back 35 for 279-300-300.  That's pretty impressive in my eyes.  Yes, it was the regular league house shot, but you have to throw it to get it.  I'm not talking the occasional trip 4, or light mix, they were all flush, a few messengers, but mainly 10 in the pit.  Like someone above said, people don't acknowledge honor scores on house shots or walls, but why is it that only 1 person does it instead of the whole league?  No matter what the shot, it still takes talent and consistency to put up the numbers.
I thought all you had to do was stand left and throw it right??

I suffer from a serious case of HeadStuckInMyAss-itis


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2004, 02:05:54 PM »
I agree with you, yes THS are easy to hit the pocket but you have to carry and continue to throw good shots. Plus with these new bowling balls and sythentic lanes the oil moves around a lot also.....


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2004, 03:21:21 PM »
Ok guys, my point was NOT that it is not an amazing series. My point was that how the heck did some random guy get in for shooting it when stuff like this happens all the time? Usually sports illustrated only puts phenominal performances in there, not ones that dont even matter for anything (shot in league i assume) and not ones that happen all across the country. Believe me, i have ultimate respect for anyone that can shoot 2 300's in a row and an 800, but how did this guy get in is my question? How is this any different that many other amazing performances we see that actually WIN something, such as tournaments and others?


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2004, 03:38:00 PM »
What a bunch of negative replies.

Honestly, if you don't have anything good to say then shut the **** up.

I say congrats to ScottyJ for doing it regardless of what the haters say.


Dude, I'm sure you are a good bowler but don't rain on someone else's accomplishment just because you have thrown as many honor scores as you have.
Somewhere in the far distant future Lane #1's slogan will be..."Lane #1, out-carrying Storm for over 50 years!"


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2004, 06:17:49 PM »
A 15 year old in high school here in N.D. set the men's state recoed while bowling in a traveling tean tournament last year.
 34 out of 36 possible strikes---and yes he made SI's Faces In The Crowd, as well he should for such a worthy feat,and especially for someone so young.
 P.S.---The two "misses" I'm not sure of but obviously he spared on those shots.
 Congratulate these people for doing something quite amazing. Don't rain on their parade.



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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2004, 07:02:27 PM »
Since you shot me down with your last post, i'll try to defend my own bowling a little bit. I threw 27 in a row in practice two weeks ago. I thought it was pretty neat at the time, but I just think eh no big deal now. i don't consider it spectacular or better than other times i've bowled, one, because it was practice, and two, i feel like on a ths, i've had better sets where i just didnt get as lucky. There is so much luck involved in carrying one shot versus another, i find it much more spectacular that a kid around here shot 786 in a local tournament on a pba shot.

Listen, I guess this post didn't go the way I wanted it to, and I feel i was mistaken in posting my feelings now. I thought about deleting it, but have decided I won't.



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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2004, 07:09:40 PM »

Don't let the bitterness of a few ruin your day.

Hell, I'd be happy to have just one ring. I'd be so
thrilled I probably wouldn't be able to concentrate long enough
to throw a 75 the next game. lol

The closest I have ever came to a perfect 12, was
4, then a damn 7 2 5th, and finishing out for a 265.

What killed it? A sneeze during my release.

Some day I'll get it. I just have to keep up the practice.

Congrats on a great series, and for hittin back to back.

Listen, i am not bitter AT ALL that it happened for this guy and not me. I guess no one else agrees with me though that other performances deserved to be in sports illustrated more than this. I just think there are other performances out there more spectacular that should be put in sports illustrated if this was put in there. How about the fact that there have been 9 900's (or something like that) and I don't recall any of them being in sports illustrated??? Maybe i am mistaken on that one, but i'm pretty sure its true.


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2004, 08:14:55 PM »
Sorry man, I'm only 16 and still yaba (this year at least). No hoinke for me. Listen, again, I feel like everyone thinks I am downplaying your accomplishment. I know i probably have more enemies from this post, big surprise. I guess my original thoughts were ignorant and not very well thought out, and it didn't help that my dad agreed with me, which encouraged me to post this.