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Author Topic: sports illustrated faces in the crowd  (Read 2156 times)


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sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« on: November 04, 2004, 08:16:20 AM »
Did anyone else see that dude in sports illustrates faces in the crowd column for bowling? ALL he did was shot 846 and 2 300's, you can go in the local paper here in detroit and pick out 5 of those a week (sarcasm, but you get the point). how did this guy get in sports illustrated? He didn't even do it in a tournament or on anything special as far as the column said. I know many junior bowlers (they love putting kids in there) that have shot over 10 800's and 10+ 300's, yet this dude from hicksville in west virginia gets in sports illustrated. Guys, am i overreacting to this, or does it seem not fair that some random dude on a house shot shooting 800 gets into sports illustrated?

Guys, my point to this post was why are we celebrating this guys performance over any others. I guess it is because of the 2 300's if you read some of the posts further down. It was not to hate on bowling or the nice man who shot the games. I just didn't understand how it was fair how he got in over any other people, but i guess no one else agrees with me.

Edited on 11/4/2004 5:54 PM

Edited on 11/5/2004 8:05 PM



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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2004, 08:29:51 PM »
By the way guys, If you don't believe me about the 2 300's after eachother, Go to and look at John Kelley in the Dan Ottman Jr. All Stars on October 11. Look at how many honor scores he has already this year also. He was the one who shot 780 pba condition at one of the tourneys we held also. Phenominal bowler. (i only shot 649 for the first 3 at the tourney )

P.S. He had to switch lanes for those 300's and the 780 in the tourney. Makes it even better.

Edited on 11/5/2004 9:30 PM

The Hose

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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2004, 09:04:04 AM »
Great shooting ScottJ, that is a very good set and you should be very proud of yourself, which it appears your are.

I think what the OP was trying to say was that it's not the greatest thing in bowling.  I don't think I recall seeing anything about the 900's shot in 'faces in the crowd'.

I was talking to a friend a couple of weeks ago and asked him how his bowling was doing.  He said he was throwing the ball pretty good but was still having some problems with his game on tough shots but on easy house shots he's been able to get away with murder.  He went on to tell me that he shot 888 in league the night before.  He lest a 4 pin on the 11th ball, missed it for 288 then shot 300-300( It wasn't even a State record)  He didn't brag about it nor was there anything in the paper about it, much less, have someone e-mail SI and tell them about it.

I'm not a big fan of Bagger, but some of the things he says I agree with.  With the equipment and easy scoring conditions of today, back to back 300 are not as eye opening as it was years ago.  I've seen a ton of 300, 279 games and a few 300,300's.  I've even had two in one day on different pairs.

Great shooting again, and you should be very proud of yourself I wish you many more.
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose


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Re: sports illustrated faces in the crowd
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2004, 02:36:15 PM »
Great shooting ScottJ, that is a very good set and you should be very proud of yourself, which it appears your are.

I think what the OP was trying to say was that it's not the greatest thing in bowling.  I don't think I recall seeing anything about the 900's shot in 'faces in the crowd'.

I was talking to a friend a couple of weeks ago and asked him how his bowling was doing.  He said he was throwing the ball pretty good but was still having some problems with his game on tough shots but on easy house shots he's been able to get away with murder.  He went on to tell me that he shot 888 in league the night before.  He lest a 4 pin on the 11th ball, missed it for 288 then shot 300-300( It wasn't even a State record)  He didn't brag about it nor was there anything in the paper about it, much less, have someone e-mail SI and tell them about it.

I'm not a big fan of Bagger, but some of the things he says I agree with.  With the equipment and easy scoring conditions of today, back to back 300 are not as eye opening as it was years ago.  I've seen a ton of 300, 279 games and a few 300,300's.  I've even had two in one day on different pairs.

Great shooting again, and you should be very proud of yourself I wish you many more.
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose

Thank you hose for being one person to agree with me and clear up my point a little bit (sorry, i think imabagger is a spammer and shouldnt be counted as a person). I think hose pretty much summed up the whole point of my post.