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Author Topic: I am Having bad joint pain....  (Read 1382 times)


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I am Having bad joint pain....
« on: January 05, 2007, 04:53:33 AM »
In my ring finger. It is my second knuckle. When I am throwing my ball my knuckle feels as though my finger is being pulled in 2 directions on that joint.This has never happened before and I have been using the same span for quite sometime now(years). The one part of my knuckle feels like it is pulling towards my tip of the finger and the other part is being pull towards my hand.It is really painful.It feels like it wants to split in two.Has anyone had this or can anyone offer a suggestion told me I should try an oval grip instead of a lift grip, someone else said redrill.Any and all thoughts would be great!! Thank you in advance!

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Re: I am Having bad joint pain....
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2007, 12:56:22 PM »
Sounds like the span is just too long.. maybe its finally catching up with you.  Check out this article to see if your ball is properly fitted.


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Re: I am Having bad joint pain....
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2007, 01:11:35 PM »
Great read thanks.I will go to my proshop guy to have him re-measure me.Do you think the pain will go away after this? Do you think my ball will need to be re-drilled? And 1 more stupid question...I have never had a ball re-drilled before..If my span gets changed will it change how I have it drilled now? Like if it is drill for going long and a sharp angle at the backend....does that too get altered, will I need to get the whole ball plugged and drilled?Thanks!

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Re: I am Having bad joint pain....
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2007, 01:21:53 PM »
This article assumes you are using a finger-tip drilled ball.

Assuming the span is long, it will strain the tendons in your fingers.  Over a period of time, they become sore and it starts to hurt.  Once this is corrected, its probably going to take a while for them to heal.. (not likely to instantly feel better, but over time it should).  

If the span is long, the ball will likely need to be redrilled.  The easiest way would be to plug the thumb and move it.  Its likely that you span would only be off a fraction of an inch.  Adjusting it this small of an amount should produce any noticible effect on you layout.  You may, however, throw the ball a little differently..

Definitely go back and get your span checked (or just get your ball, put your thumb all the way into the hole, and lay your fingers overtop of the grips/holes...  if the edge is close to your first crease, then its long.. if its near the middle between your first and second crease, you are close.  You can also take it into your shop to have it checked...  

Good luck,


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Re: I am Having bad joint pain....
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2007, 03:34:27 PM »
Great read thanks.I will go to my proshop guy to have him re-measure me.

Be sure he checks your finger flexibility.  Years of bowling, even with a properly fit ball, stresses the joints and they stiffen up.  Stiff joints need reverse pitch, the stiffer the more reverse.  Before I learned to fit, I was using 1/4 forward pitch in my fingers and my ring finger joint was always sore.  Turned out I needed 5/8 reverse instead.  No more pain.  --  JohnP

Edited on 1/5/2007 4:34 PM