Pro tip (i.e. a tip I received from a fellow professional):
I was bowling a tournament that required playing up the ditch. I was having trouble getting the ball to target without a lot of bend. Enter another professional who told me to adjust my feet to close the shoulders a bit, keeping them square at the line. Pathetically simple, but it worked:
I used to line up with my feet side by side. My natural tendency was to open my shoulders to accommodate swinging the ball and covering some boards. Since I wanted to
stop bellying the ball, I had to close my shoulders. To close my shoulders, I had to close my hips. Being left-handed, he told me to put my left foot
slightly ahead of my right foot. Feet together but left foot slightly ahead (right toes at left arch).
Obviously if you're right-handed, you'll put your right foot slightly forward to close your hips/shoulders.
Whenever I play Cheetah or Scorpion patterns, I use this adjustment. Give it a try and see what you think.
ScolaÃ)O(I'm Not Fluent In Idiot So Please Speak Slowly & Clearly