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Author Topic: Dad and Mom smiling  (Read 459 times)


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Dad and Mom smiling
« on: May 11, 2005, 12:05:32 PM »
I just want to share a few things/thoughts with the members of this forum
regarding your kids/youth bowling in general.
 We just returned from our 5th and last (as the parent of a participant)State YABA tournament with our son. He has always done very well at these tournaments,and this year was no exception. He has an average of 163 at
our home house, which is a tough shot wood lane place(high average there is
199, with only 2 other bowlers in the 190's out of 7 leagues). Anyway, he started out on Saturday with a 507 in his team event, and followed that
with a 498 in the special 700 event. He had shot a 700 last year in a
Scholarship tourney. On Sunday morning, they started out with mixed team,
and he shot a 640, and was starting to feel quite confident about how he
was rolling the ball. Next is mixed doubles and a 626. He is feeling it now.
Next up is regular doubles. His partner for that had just shot a 602 in the
mixed doubles event, his first ever 600. They are both feeling real good about their chances of placing. Son shoots 245,245, 255 for a 745, and his buddy
shoots a 611 for a scratch total of 1356, and handicap total of 1605 for a
254 pin lead over 2nd place. AWESOME. Next up was singles, where he shot a
nice even 600. His mother and I are very proud of him, and also proud of
all the youth bowlers from our community. They all wear matching shirts and
kahkis, and conduct themselves very well.

Then, on Tuesday, our son was awarded a scholarship from our local
Mens Association in memory of a long time bowler.

I guess what I want or would like to say is this:
If you are a parent, keep your kids involved in our sport.
Encourage them to get their friends involved.
The joy we have experienced from watching our son
and his fellow youth bowlers doing their best is a feeling
that everyone should have. I still get a chill when thinking
of the expressions on their faces as they get a strike, or roll
a new high series.

Thanks for your time, raff.

ps. on a side note, all of our son's games were shot with a Uranium
Pearl. He had traded that ball along with a Cherry Bomb to a user
on here for a video game system, and the deal was cancelled after the user
recieved the balls. I was opposed to the trade(better to be on the lanes
than staring at a tv), but he had purchased the balls and it was his deal.
He's pretty happy with that Uranium now, and I imagine he'll keep it for
a good long while! )

Cause I'm a Lumberjack baby, gonna cut
 you down to size.


Beef STL

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Re: Dad and Mom smiling
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2005, 08:58:49 PM »

It's great that you are supporting your kid so much.  Without my dad, I probably wouldn't be bowling nearly as much as I do, and without him being there for me, I know I wouldn't average as well as I do.  Keep your support, because unfortunately, there are a lot of kids now a days that don't have that support, and there's parents out there that miss their kid's accomplishments.
Member of the St. Louis, Missouri YABA

MORE Speed = LESS time to PANIC

Currently Throwing: Brunswick Inferno, MoRich WMB, MoRich Labyrinth, Ebonite Eyeball, Brunswick Impact Zone, and Columbia 300 Piranha.