I am in a league that allows 7 man rosters, but 5 men show up to bowl. Most have 6, and some use a rotation where a different guy sits out each week. That way, everyone gets to bowl an equal # of nights, and the team make-up isn't really that different week to week. However, this league also allows subs. Not sure if some leagues with 6 or 7 man rosters allow that, or if they MUST use the # 6 or 7 bowler.
Personally, in this situation, the rotation is not a bad thing. Sometimes the break can be a welcome relief. Also, it saves you from paying for a sub if you have something else come up - an added bonus is your team isn't saddled with carrying your avg. minus pins either.
Also, my impression here is that there may be other personality conflicts amongst your teammates. It sounds like nobody on the team trusts the other 4 guys to be able to shoot when they need to? If you don't have confidence in each other, how can you effectively perfom as a team?
Why, WHY won't the last one just fall?? It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!