To be fair, we have to remember how staffers get to be staffers. It's because someone believes they can help move product either because they throw it so well or because they have good connections to a shop. As such, staffers tell the general bowling public what the general bowling public wants to hear, which is that such and such ball goes longer, snaps harder, and covers more boards than all of the other go long and snap hard balls that came before them.
Look at the product catalogs. I swear, for a while it seemed as if Hammer described every new ball as going longer and hooking harder than every ball that came before it. When the Big Blue Hammer came out, a ball that didn't really "hook" all that much to begin with, the ball motion diagram in the catalog made it look as if that ball would almost come in at a 90-degree angle. Obviously, that was untrue, and what good would that ball have been even if it had been true? Nevertheless, they know that a lot of bowlers want nothing more than to see the ball cover a ton of boards. As such, their marketing is aimed toward trying to show bowlers that their balls do just that, and, obviously, Hammer wasn't alone in that!
The point I'm making is that staffers stay staffers in part because they are supposed to encourage people to buy that company's balls. Most bowlers know very little, so telling them that X-ball goes long and hooks hard is telling them exactly what they want to hear. I know it gets a bit old to read those reviews over and over again, but there's a reason why so many are written that way. It's not just about spreading knowledge. It's about moving product. To be clear, I'm not saying that to bash the staffers in any way whatsoever. I'm saying that I get why most of them write reviews that way, and I would probably be apt to do the same if a company was ever foolish enough to let me rep its stuff! lol