I bowl two leagues; one is in a non-Bowlero house, while the other is in a travel league. We should have the same amount of teams in the non-Bowlero league, but that may change depending on how many decide to bolt from the 3 Bowlero houses we have.
Additionally, my kids are staying in their non-bowlero youth league, as there is essentially only one house in the area with youth leagues (at least that I am aware of; there is one being held after school on Tuesdays, but that's mainly going to be for the highschoolers which are definitely being scouted by colleges.. my kids are 12 and 10, so no where in that league yet).
As for the travel league, it does go to a couple of Bowlero houses, so it remains to be seen as to what will happen there. We are slated to get about 4-6 additional teams from the Bay Area to join that league, so we may extend the range for where we travel.. Most of the alleys are in the Sacramento or foothills of the Sierras area, but if those from the bay join us, we may end up going further west. It all depends.
But right now, I think that the next couple of weeks will tell a lot regarding Bowlero's League Certification Program.