People's expectations got too high.
In no other sport or activity that I can think of, do so many of the participants actually believe that they can perform at the professional level. And, in no other sport or activity can I find a governing body that has allowed so much technological advancement in such a short time frame, or one that has allowed the playing of the sport to be so radically altered by those advancements in that same timeframe. It changed so much, so fast, that it left one generation behind, and didn't allow time for the development of one to replace them.
You don't have to be a professional, or compete under professional conditions, to enjoy a game of basketball, baseball, football, or a lot of other sports, so why is bowling different?
I love to bowl. I enjoy competing in leagues, I've bowled in a few P.B.A. regionals (even cashed in one), but I also enjoy going on a Saturday afternoon bowling with my wife and having to use my plastic ball because it's dry. I JUST LOVE TO KNOCK PINS DOWN!
To me, it is a beautiful thing to watch a well thrown shot make its way downlane and sweep the pins away. I love to do it, and I love to see it done by others.
If you love bowling, quit worrying about the state of things, and do something about it. Go bowling today, take the kids, the friends, or the family. Get others interested in doing it by showing them how much fun it is, by showing them it is worth the time and effort, and by getting them involved with something they may come to love as much as you do.