I just found out this week that CTF has decided to wait on the new rules. They usually follow whatever USBC does. This is what the executive director had to say:
The Canadian Tenpin Federation (CTF) would like to advise that at the time of publishing this article, CTF has not adopted these changes, preferring to wait until the World Bowling Technical Committee weighs in on this matter. In light of this, Chapter VI of the 2018-19 rule book is being revised and will be distributed in the near future.
The problem is, a lot of Canadians go and bowl in USBC events, especially Nationals. She followed up with this:
However, for any of our bowlers who compete in USBC-sanctioned leagues or tournaments, you should be aware of the new USBC ball specification rules to ensure that your equipment complies.
I'm assuming they will eventually follow suit, but the issue is right now. I had all my summer balls drilled without a weight hole. Most still fall within current specs or are slightly over. I am not putting holes in the ones that are over though. If someone decides to call me out in league - though how would they really know - so be it.